Social Skills
Role Play
Coping Skills

A friend started a rumor about you on social media and its all over the school. What would you do? 

Talk to them about how you feel, talk to your parents or teacher. 


You and mom disagree on picking up a mess. Act out how you can handle this in a safe and calm manner.

Negotiate, share feelings, think of options


How might you feel if your best friend moved away and you were not able to say good-bye to them. 

What is sad, mad, frustrated


Name two ways to calm down when you feel angry or frustrated

Take deep breaths, go for a walk, wall pushups, squeeze something


Your mad because the player on your baseball team always gets out and you guys keep loosing. Act out what you can do to feel better. 

What is us I feel statements, talk to a trusted adult like an coach about how you feel, work with the friend to help them to get better, and 


You get into an argument with a classmate about an assignment. Act out how you can take care of this in a safe way.

Use I-statements, ignore, walk away, deep breaths, ask teacher for help.


I told my friend something that I didn't want them to share with anyone but they told another friend in class. 

Angry, disappointed , sad.   


True or false: Writing, drawing, coloring, painting, and playing are healthy ways to deal with strong emotions



A new kid started today , and they smell strange and everyone is making fun of them. What can you do to help the kid to feel wanted. 

Talk to the friend, sit with them at lunch and get to know them. 


Your mom asks your to clean your room and you don't feel like doing it. Act out how you would handle this in a calm manner. What would help if you need to do it?

Use I-statements, share feelings, negotiate. Use coping skills to calm self down to be able to complete the task.


You are in a sticky situation and feel nervous, excited, and scared. What can you do?

Take some time and think about what to do


Talk about a coping skill that is helpful for you

Listening to music, talking it out, going for a walk, writing. 


Someone in your class bumps into your desk and knocks everything over. How can you respond?

Take deep breaths, possibly ask them to help pick it up


You're feeling frustrated because another classmate started a rumor about your family. 

Share feelings, take deep breaths, walk away, tell an adult.


True or false : Talking to a friend is the same as talking to a counselor/therapist. 

What is false a counselor/therapist is trained to deal with feelings and know how to work with the person on what is going on. 


When a friend is upset this is something you can do to help them to calm down. 

What is talk to them, try to see if you can make them feel better. 


Your friend stopped talking to you and you don't know why. what do you do? 

Take a deep breath. ask the friend what is wrong, and talk to an adult about it. 


You are excited about going to sleep over with a friend this weekend. But you found out that you cannot go because the friend cancelled. act it out. 

take some deep breaths, talk about my feelings, and try to see if we can do something else. 


What is anxiety and what are some of the symptoms 

Intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and feeling tired may occur.


Coping skills : What is one coping skill that you use all the time? 

What is breathing or talking to a trusted adult.