Meet your counselor
Visiting the counselor
What is a school counselor
Safety is everyone's job

What is your school counselor's name?

Mrs. Caddell 


Describe where the Counselor's Office is located. 

Across from Ms. Grace's PK room. By the Sensory room. Next to Mrs. Scott's Office 


Name one thing that a school counselor helps students with at school

Feelings, behavior, making good choices, how to do well in school, how to help students with anxiety and stress


T/F The counselor cannot help with safety concerns. 

False! The counselor can always be a first stop if you have concerns or questions regarding students, safety at school and at home. 


What is confidentiality?

When you tell someone something personal and they keep it private (similar to a secret).


Mrs. Caddell is available to me at all times, everyday.

False. Mrs. Caddell has a lot of responsibilties and isn't always available. 


True/False:  You are in trouble if you have to see the school counselor

False, you are not in trouble, although your counselor will want to help you make better choices in the future.


Is the school counselor only here to visit with you guys when you have something sad or hard to deal with?

No. I want to be there when you're struggling, when you're happy, when you're excited or Angry. I want to be there for you when you're embarassed, shy, discouraged, encouraged, and even when you're moody. 


True/False- Your Counselor is the Only person you should tell if you have safety concerns. 

False- You can tell your teachers, Mrs. Scott, Mr. O'Hara, and of Course- Mrs. Caddell 


Name one thing your school counselor cannot keep confidential?

If someone is hurting you, you are going to hurt someone else, or you are hurting yourself.


How Many Children does Mrs. Caddell have? 



What does confidentiality mean?  

This means that what you say in the counselor's office is private and not shared with others.


What types of topics will the counselor cover during lessons?

How to do your best in school, how to make good choices, how to make and keep friends, conflict resolution, problem solving, bullying, reducing stress, test preparation, coping skills


T/F You should share your safety concerns with your friends Immediately!

False! Safety concerns should always go to trusted adults first. 


Can the School Counselor can fix your problems?

False- The School Counselor can help you think about different ways to solve or cope with your problems. YOU are the only one that can choose to work on a problem.


What is Mrs. Caddell's favorite Color

Uhm- Green. Hello! 


Will your school counselor ALWAYS keep things confidential?

No.  If you or someone else is getting hurt, your counselor will need to tell someone to get help.


True/False- My counselor tells me exactly what to do when I have a problem

False - Your counselor will help you become a problem solver, or you will solve the problem together!


Finish the sentence:  Safety is__________'s job. 



School Counselors are the only people you should talk to about your problems?

False - If you are having a problem, you should talk to an adult who will listen. That might be a parent, neighbor, teacher, coach etc


What Days of the week is Mrs. Caddell at work?

(Almost) Every Day that you are!  


How do you request/ask to see the counselor?

Fill out the Paper form in your classroom and give it to your teacher or drop it outside of Mrs. Caddell's Office. 


Do counselors talk to teachers and parents about how to help students?



TF:Safety concerns are only reportable if you see something. 

False:  Safety concerns can come from seeing something, hearing something, or reading something. 


Name 1 one way to be a good friend

Be kind, say nice words, include other, be helpful, be a good listener, ask them questions.