Social Awareness
Self Awareness
Relationship Skills
Self Management

You are having a conflict with a friend and need to talk to them.

What is I feel statement? I feel____ when you _____ because______. I would like you to______.


You are completing math homework and it's hard. You want to give up but you know you have to finish the assignment. 

What is use growth mindset to help get the work done?

You want to hang with your friend but they are playing with their friend.

What is invite both friends over to play?


In this zone you might feel sick, sad, tired, bored and sleepy.

What is the Blue Zone?


This is a career where you may work at a school or a college, it requires a certain amount of school and you have had one in each grade.

What is a teacher? 

You are being bullied and need some help. Who do you go to?

What is a trusted adult? 


You are learning to ride your bike and give up. You are never riding your bike again. It's too hard. 

What is fixed mindset?

This is one of the most important parts of an I feel statement.

What is the feeling or emotion? 


In this zone you might feel angry, furious, out of control and frightened.

What is the Red Zone?

You may see this career responding to an emergency or putting out a fire.

What is a firefighter?


You do this to make friends. 

What is introduce yourself? 


You are learning about the solar system and you are trying to memorize the order of the planets. You keep going and never give up. You can learn the names of the planets. It just might require some practice. 

What is growth mindset?


Maintaining friendships is really important. This is one way to maintain a friendship. 

What is invite, learn, respect, resolve, defend or empathize?


You might be starting to lose some control in this zone. You may be worried, silly or excited.

What is the Yellow zone?

You may see this career on the news or reporting the news? 

What is a news reporter or News anchor? 


You notice someone was being mean to someone else or someone hurt someone. You do not go tell a trusted adult. You are being an ______?

What is being a Bystander?


I can't do this is fixed mindset. But what might growth mindset sound like if we reworded the phrase.

What is: I can't do this yet or I can do this?


This is the zone we avoid resolving conflict between friends. 

What is the Red zone? 


You are ready to learn in this zone.

What is the Green Zone?


This career works with exotic animals like lions, tigers or bears.

What is a zookeeper or zoologist? 


You notice someone was being mean to someone else or someone hurt someone. You go tell a trusted adult. You are being an ______?

What is an upstander?


Self-awareness is important to have. Working on your ______ helps you feel more confident and make the best choices. 

What is Self-esteem?


These are 6 ways to keep or maintain a friendship 

What is Invite, Learn, Respect, Resolve, Defend and Empathize?


This is an important skill to have to help you at school or at home. It helps you understand how you are feeling and in what zone you are in.  

What is the zones of regulation?


The president of the United States would fall under this career cluster.

What is Government and Public Administration?