The E in SOLER
What is eye-contact?
An invitation to talk.
What are Door Openers?
Gestures and Head Nodding
What are Nonverbal Encouragers?
Giving advice.
What is something to be avoided.
the ability to enter the world of the client and to communicate that we understand his or her world as the client sees and experiences it
What is empathy?
The R in SOLER
What is Relaxed?
Answered with a yes or no.
What are closed questions?
Turned toward client and spaced within 18 inches to 4 feet.
What Squared Position?
Visual/eye contact. Tone of Voice. Verbal tracking. Body language.
What are attending behaviors?
Gaps in the conversation that allow counselor to be present without interfering.
What is attentive silence?
The O in SOLER
What is Open Posture?
A short review of the last session.
What is a follow up door opener/ Invitational Skills?
Questions which can’t be answered in a few words. They encourage others to talk and provide you with maximum information.
What are open questions?
a variety of verbal and nonverbal means the counselor or psychotherapist can use to encourage others to continue talking. They include head nods, an open palm, “uh-huh,” and the repetition of key words the client has uttered.
What are encouragers?
Emphasizing different words to convey an understanding of the client's emotions.
What is voice tone?
The S in SOLER
What is Squared Position?
Brief statments conveying attention and understanding.
What are minimal encouragers?
Could communicate defensiveness, coldness, or disgust.
What are crossed arms or legs?
Poker faced, avoiding eye-contact, closed and distant.
What communicates coldness?
Saying "Tell me more" or "Elaborate"
What are gentle commands?
The L in SOLER
What is leaning in?
Types of questions to be avoided.
What are leading questions, closed questions, or "Why" questions?
A way to show interest and focused attention on client.
What is leaning in?
Soft smile, leaning in, with open gestures and looking into the other's eyes.
What indicates warmth?
Students who are going to make great counselors in the future.
Who are the students in our class.