Facial Expressions
Body Awareness

Your parent told you that you would get to have dessert tonight, but when you get to dinner time, they realize that you are all out of sugar and other ingredients and the dessert they planned to make isn't possible.  You're really disappointed.  What do you do?


What is the hardest natural substance in the world?

A diamond!


What feelings are represented here? 

Disgust, Shock, Anger, Disbelief, Annoyed


What is your favorite deep-breathing exercise?


Your heart is beating fast and you are breathing more heavily.  What emotion or feeling might you be experiencing?  


Let's say you play Uno in a way where you can stack Draw 2s on top of each other to make people draw more, but the person you are playing with learned how to play Uno a different way.  What could you do?  


How many chambers are there in a human heart?



What feeling is represented here?  How would you approach this character?

Fear, confusion, disbelief, shock


Let's practice a body scan type of mindfulness meditation.


You are smiling and feel like jumping around.  What might you be feeling?  


Your grown up told you that you could pick out some ice cream at the grocery store after you kept your room clean for 5 days.  You worked really hard and you did it, and today's the day you get to go get your ice cream!  You decided a long time ago that you would get your favorite--Mint Chocolate Chip!  You have been dreaming about that Mint Chocolate Chip all week, and thinking about all the different toppings that go with it.  But when you get to the store, your favorite brand of Mint Chocolate Chip is all gone!  There isn't a container in sight!  What do you do?


Which land animal can open its mouth the widest?

A hippopotamus! (Up to 3.3 feet wide!!!)


What feeling is represented here?

Happy, excited, joy


What is your third favorite seal?


Your head and body feel heavy and your chest feels like there is a weight on it.  What might you be feeling?


You are playing Minecraft with friends, and they want to run around and mine aimlessly, while you want to build a roller coaster and thought your friends would help you.  What do you do?


Which bones are human babies born without?

Knee-caps!  Before the age of 4, knee caps are composed of cartilage.  They finish turning to bone around the age of 4.  


What feeling is represented here?  What would you say to this character?

Fear, anxiety, shock


Tell me:

2 things that made you sad this week

2 things that made you mad this week

2 things that made you happy this week


What are three things you notice in your body when you are starting to get mad?

Group project time!  Your group gets to pick an animal to do a research report on.  You want to pick the Ribbon seal because, I mean, it's a SEAL and it looks really cool!  But other people in your group say that they aren't interested in seals or marine or freshwater animals in general, and want to do a report on something else, instead.  What do you do?

What does the word "pinniped" mean?

Wing- or feather-footed!


What feeling is represented here?  What would you say to Belle?

Suspicion, uncertainty, amusement, annoyed


Tell me one thing that has been on your mind lately.


What are three things you notice in your body when you feel worried, nervous, or stressed out?