The ability to understand the client's experience and feel with or emotionally resonate to the client's experience a if it were your own, but without losing the "as if" quality.
What is empathy?
The counselor presents clients with a 10-point continuum and asks them to rate where they currently are.
What is Scaling?
This technique helps clients take responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors while encouraging others to do the same. The learns to communicate their needs and desires to others without blaming or ciriticizing.
What are "I-Messages"?
A technique used to help individuals role-play what they would like to say to, or how they would like to act toward, another person.
What is "empty chair"?
This technique helps clients by blocking out intrusive visualization by substituting a relaxing or empowering visualization of image.
What is "Visual or guided imagery"?
Nonpossessive warmth expressed to a client.
What is positive regard?
Counselor's probe and question the client's background for times when the problem wasn't a problem, determining exceptions and providing the client with alternative solutions to act on.
What are exceptions?
A technique that allows the client either to act purposely according to his/her fiction or to alter an assumed fiction by behaving in a different manner (e.g., assuming an alternative to the fiction).
What is "acting as if"?
A technique used to help clients understand meanings underlying their nonverbal communications, often bringing hidden meanings underlying their nonverbal communications to the conscious level.
What is "body movement and exaggeration"?
A technique that the counselor teaches to the client. It is effective in reducing stress and anxiety after the stressor has occurred. This technique slows down one's metabolism and induces a relaxation response.
What is Deep Breathing?
A condition reflecting honesty, transparency, and openness to the client.
What is congruence (genuineness)?
A technique that allows the counselor to turn the counseling intervention from a problem-focused environment to a solution-focused environment.
What is Problem-free talk?
A type of paradoxical technique in Adlerian counseling where the counselor encourages the client to increase the use of the problematic thought, or behavior in order to help the client learn that he/she is actually in control of the symptom, thus empowering change.
What is "spitting in the soup"?
A technique that has the client take on the opposite perspective argument, or role in order to explore meanings from various perspectives.
What is "role reversal"?
This technique involves the systematic process of tensing and relaxing muscle groups in order to achieve a deeper state of muscular relaxation.
What is "PMRT" - Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training?
Statements, made by the counselor, that reveals something about themselves.
What is Self-Disclosure?
This technique helps to reconstruct the way a client perceives a problematic circumstance into a vision for success that motivates the client to pursue the actions that will lead to successes.
What is the miracle question?
This technique is used to elicit therapeutic content from children and adolescents who are not able or willing to address therapeutic content through direct verbal discussion. Client tells a story, which the counselor analyzes for themes and metaphors. Then the counselor retells the story, using the same or similar characters, but with a more pro-therapeutic message, often including alternative scenarios.
What is "mutual storytelling"?
In this approach, the counselor helps the client by teaching various techniques that help the client stay grounded to the here and now. It may include either Formal or Informal practices.
What is mindfulness?
A counselor's reflection of client content, put in the counselor's own words.
What is paraphrasing?
A technique ordinarily implemented during termination that facilitates clients' thinking about situations during which the positive outcomes and strategies learned during counseling may not work, and it gets clients thinking ahead of time about what should be done in those circumstances.
What is flagging the minefield?
This technique involves reframing the client's problem behavior and asking the client to engage in the behavior he/she is trying to stop but restraining the express of that behavior to certain circumstances. This technique must be used with caution.
What is "paradoxical intention"?