No. Multicultural Guidelines
Does research suggest that better treatment outcomes occur when the client and therapist share the same race and/ethnic background?
Was cultural transference discussed in the readings?
Which article(s)
Addressing clients racism and racial prejudice in individual psychotherapy: Therapeutic considerations
According to the APA every person we work with will bring?
Their own identity and cultural background
What does objectifying refer to?
The clinicians attention being drawn to racial distinct featured of a person of color
Lorde, hooks, and Garza encourages activist to _____
but not ______ differences.
redefine , erase
Yes. APA 2.01 (b) Boundaries of Competence states that knowledge relating to race is an important factor to consider in delivering services.
According to the feminist theory the power in the relationship is attributed to the client, counselor or both?
The feminist theory allows for the sharing of power.
What is CBS
Contextual Behavior Science
Confronting a clients racism in therapy potentially what APA Principle?
Principle E, Respect for People's Rights and Dignity.
Is there a difference between racial prejudice and racism?
Racial prejudice is defined as negative attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about an entire category of people
Racism is defined as a behavior that perpetuates inequalities.
According to the text what is "White Fragility"?
When white people experience even small amounts of racial stress as intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves such as anger, fear, and guilt and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-induced situation.