Could be anything!
About the Students
Fake News . . . Or Is It?

Our school counselor's name is 

____________________, and I can find her office/room _________________________.

What is Ms Griffin, and her classroom is on the PreK and 2nd grade hall which is the old STOP room?


If I want to speak with the school counselor, I need to _______________________________________.

What is let my teacher know, write a referral and give it to my teacher, or put it under the counselor's door?


Stark Expectations

What is Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible?


Students only see Ms Griffin when they have made bad choices.

What is fake news/false?


The certificate that I will get in 2028, the year I will graduate high school.

What is a diploma?


If I see something not right with my classmates or another student or something is making me feel bad, I should 

a) keep quiet

b) talk with an adult at school

What is b) tell with an adult at school?


Ms Daniel

Ms Brackett

Ms Griffin

Who is the Principal?

Who is the Assistant Principal also known as the "AP"?

Who is the School Counselor?


School counselors work with students, parents, teachers, and everyone in the school to help students do their best.

What is true news?


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:50 am until 2:50 pm is when I should _________________.

What be in school and the time I should be there?


3 ways to be a good friend

What is be kind, nice, trustworthy, not spread rumors, be helpful, treat them with respect, etc. 

Accept other responses that are friend worthy answers


The three hallway expectations

What is: 

walk (not run) to the on the red line in a single file line 

hands and feet to self

quiet voices/no talking

no gaps in the line 


Being kind to everyone is the right thing to do.

What is not fake/true?


5 characters in the movie "Inside Out" who represent emotions.

Who are Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Sadness?


Every student who is in the 4th grade in 2019 should graduate high school the year of ______.

When is 2028?


The music on in the lunchroom means I should _________________________________.

What is stop talking/get quiet?


The word that means information is secret or private between the school counselor and me that no one else knows about.

hint: first letter is "c"

What is confidential?


When the school counselor comes into the classroom to speak with the entire class, it is called _______.

What is classroom guidance lessons?

What is guidance lessons?

What is classroom counseling sessions/lessons?


Core Essential for August and September

What are the Big 3: Treat Others Right, Make Smart Decisions, Maximize Your Potential and Trust?


If I am hurting myself, hurting others, or if someone is hurting me in any way, the school counselor will keep this a secret forever.

What is fake news/false?

The school counselor will have to share this information to keep me safe.