What is the purpose of Count Day?
Twice a year, MIPS has to show proof of attendance/engagement for all students.
What can you do the night before to make sure your login counts?
Sign out and power it off.
Is MIPS doing anything fun on Count Day?
We will be doing 2 raffles, one at 12pm and one at 4pm. Prizes will be $25 Amazon gift card. We will have 20 winners.
How important is Count Day?
Very! Every student that is counted helps MIPS to continue to be innovative and work to provide you with the best learning experience.
What time can I start working?
If you are night owl, Edmentum will count work after 1:01AM. In Edgenuity, anytime after 12:00AM.
Are labs open on Count Day?
How many students attend MIPS now?
1,778 currently
When is the latest I can log in for Count day?
Please try and complete requirements by 4pm. If you cannot, make sure your mentor knows when to expect you.
What 3 cities will you find learning labs?
Davison, Detroit, and Saginaw
What counts?
Doing a gradable activity in each of your courses.
What is coming at the end of this week?
We are off on Friday the 14th - 17th and all get to enjoy a long weekend.
What should I do when I'm done?
Let your mentor know you have finished and they will confirm.