Start at 10 and count back one number. What number comes before 10?
What is 9?
Count backwards from 100 by tens. What number am I?
What is 90?
If you count backwards by fives from 25. What number are you?
What is 20?
Count backwards by twos from 10. What is the first number before 10?
What is 8?
If you hop back one step from number 6 using a number line, what number do you land on?
What is 5?
Start at 15 and count back one number. What number comes before 15?
What is 14?
If you start at 70 and count back by tens. What number would you land on?
What is 60?
Starting at 40, count backwards by fives. What is the answer?
What is 35?
Start at 20 and count backwards by twos. What number comes just before 20?
What is 18?
Jump back two numbers starting at 12. Where do you land?
What is 10?
If you are at 25 and count back one, where do you end up?
What is 24?
If you count backwards by tens starting at 50, which is the first number you say?
What is 40?
Count backwards by fives starting at 60. Which number do you end with ?
What is 55?
Count back by twos starting from 30. Which number is the first one less than 30?
What is 28?
Take three steps backwards starting from 25. Where will you be?
What is 22?
Start at 50. What is the number before 49 if you count backwards?
What is 48?
What comes before 30 when you count back by tens?
What is 20?
When counting back by fives, what number comes right after 75?
What is 70?
When starting at 50 and counting back by twos, what number is just before 48?
What is 46?
Begin at 45 and count four numbers back. At what number will you find yourself?
What is 41?
You're at 120. What number is right before 120 if you count backwards?
What is 119?
If you're counting back by tens, which number would you land on using number line?
What is 0?
If you start at 95 and count back by fives, what number is right before 95?
What is 90?
If I count backward by twos starting at 90. What number am I?
What is 88?
What number do you arrive at if you move back five steps from 60?
What is 55?