This person was the ruler of the USSR during world war two
This country has a bad relationship with russia
This country looks like a boot.
This date is 1939 in europe.
World war 2
This country had a revolution in 1776.
untied states of america
This country is allied with palestine and hates isreal but has a decent relation with arab leauge.
This country is home to the most language being Jewish
Who went to war with napoleon?
Every european country in 1809-1815
This country is at war with isreal.
This country was attacked by british empire,France and Russian empire in 1912.
Rebuplic of china
This country is a microstate in europe and the smallest in the world.
Vatican city.
This war lasted for 38 minutes and is unknown to most of the world.
British empire and Letheso war
This person was a legend who stood up for black people.
Martin luther king jr.
This country hates japan and south korea alot.
North korea and china
This country has lost both world wars.
This country in asia has been called the polands of asia.
Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan and Tajikastan
This person defeated mexico and is allies with france.
Untied states of america
This country is at war with another country in europe.
Ukraine and Russia
This country is the happiest in the world ranking of 2024 and 2025.
This country is the United states in Europe
Germany,Great britan and France