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In 1911, 146 garment workers, primarily female Jewish immigrants from Europe, died in a fire because management locked a stairwell to prevent unauthorized breaks. In which city did this happen? 

New York City


Name one classification that receives the Inmate Supervision Pay.

Article 5, Section 32. 

Eligible Classes: 

Stock Clerk, Senior Storekeeper, Storekeeper II, Storekeeper, Sheriff’s Commissary Stores Supervisor, Food Services Supervisor, Senior Cook, Cook, Food Services Worker, Laundry Supervisor, Senior Laundry Worker, Laundry Worker, Wastewater Plant Operator III, Sheriff’s Range Guard, Sewing Room Supervisor 


What does it mean to be a Code “N” employee?

Article 5, Section 2, Compensation for Overtime

Employee is covered by FLSA and eligible for overtime at time and one-half cash or compensatory time off.


Name one place where union members can access a copy of their contract!

County website


Unscramble this word: 




There is only one disciplinary action that can be taken to arbitration. Which discipline is it?

Letter of Reprimand


In 1935 the National Labor Relations Act gave most private sector workers the right to unionize. To this day, non-federal public sector employees don't have a federal right to unionize. In 1968 California passed the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) allowing California's public workers to unionize. What state governing body enforces MMBA?

Public Employment Relations Board (PERB)


A County office has 45 represented employees. How many stewards is this location allowed to have, not including alternates?  

2! (Article 2, Section 4, A.4a)


Nate is a bilingual Protective Service Supervisor, and he receives the Class A pay for Spanish bilingual skills. How much is he paid biweekly?

Article 5, Section 17



How many days do we have to file a grievance?

Article 11, Section B

45 Calendar Days


Under what circumstances could the County deny a Union Rep access to a worksite?

Bonus question: If a rep is denied access, when must they be allowed to have access to the worksite? 

If, in their judgment, it is deemed that a visit will unduly interfere with the operations of the department or facility. Article 2 Section 3 

Bonus: 24 hours


First person to touch the wall wins the round for their team!

Run Run Run!


What is the name of the first union in the United States?

Bonus Question, what year did they start? 

Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers (leather workers and cobblers), founded in 1794.

Side note: In 1806, requests for wage increases caused factory owners to sue on the charge of “criminal conspiracy.” Labor union law wasn't established. The court ruled in favor of the owners, the Society was bankrupted, and any union member could be charged with conspiracy until an 1842 case ruled otherwise.


If I am an employee and I resign, how long did I need to be employed with the County to be eligible to have my vacation time paid out?  

1 year (Article 6, Section 2A)


The Department of Child Support has a lot of problems lately, therefore the leaders are requesting an Ad Hoc Labor Management Meeting. How many employees are allowed to sit in on the labor management meeting?

3 employee reps+ 1 coordinator=4 (Article 10, section 10b.1


Labor Day was Monday, September 2nd. Dave was 5 minutes late the Friday before the holiday. Does he get paid for Labor Day? 

(Article 6, Section 1B)

He must be in paid status for the full day before and after a holiday. 


Greg is a Sr Office Assistant. Greg just had his annual evaluation and has been eagerly awaiting his step increase to move from Step 4 to Step 5. However, Greg was denied a step increase. Which contract provision makes it allowable for the County to deny his step increase?

Article 4, Section 2C


After looking for volunteers to transfer to Vista, management was unable to find an employee to volunteer. Therefore, Norma was involuntarily transferred Chula Vista to Vista.  She was given 7 days’ notice of the change in location. How much money is Norma entitled to receive in Non-Routine Shift Change Compensation?

Zero, None, Nothing, Nada


Isiah called out sick on Friday. Management noticed that he’s been calling out sick on most Fridays. And Mondays. And the day after a holiday. How many days can Isiah be out sick before the Appointing Authority is allowed to request a medical note from Isiah?

Any (even if for just 1 day) if for good cause. 5 days in general. 

Article 6 Section 4E

Upon request of the appointing authority, an employee shall be required to provide the above-described verification of the proper use of sick leave at any time prior to the expiration of five (5) consecutive workdays, if the appointing authority has good cause to require such earlier verification and has so informed the employee. Article 6 Section 4 E


Sandra’s aunt passed away. Her aunt lived in Nevada, and she needs to travel out of state to attend her funeral. How many days of bereavement leave is Sandra entitled to?

None, bereavement leave doesn't cover Aunts.

Article 6, Section 3


 Public sector employers are exempt from California rest break laws, and federal law only provides a lunch break. Does the joint contract allow for rest breaks? If so, which article?

Joint does not. SW, RN, and HS do have a rest period.


A group of clerical staff at North Inland Live Well Center requested their overtime be paid in cash, however management decided they would give them Comp time instead due to budgetary reasons. The members are mad. Which provision of the contract does this violate?

None! BOOOOO!!!!

Article 2 section 5- The decision to pay for overtime worked in cash or compensatory time off shall be at the reasonable, justifiable, discretion of the appointing authority. Employees may request in advance their preference for cash or compensatory time off. The Appointing Authority shall grant the request if it meets the operations and/of funding needs of the Department.


Crystal was hired with the County on October 13, 2014. She has 500 sick leave hours accrued with the County. If she were to retire today, how much sick leave could she convert toward retirement credits?

Article 6, Section 4G

ZERO, she doesn't have 10 years of County service. 


The iconic film Norma Rae is based on a real life person. Who is the film based on?

Crystal Lee Sutton


Michael and his coworkers at the District Attorney’s office are MAD! Their management has told them that the County wanted to give them a raise mid-contract, but the Union objected to it. The workers now blame the union for not getting more money because management “wouldn’t lie to us.” There is a specific contract provision that you could look up to call BS on this, because technically management *could* increase wages *if* they wanted to. What is that contract provision?

Article 4, Section 1, B