Who is the Lead Staff
How many floors are in the school
2 Floors
What is the name of Mickey Mouse's dog?
What game says "Cross ___ if..."
Cross Canada
What are the names of the twins in program?
Bruce & Declan!
What is the name of the Progam Coordinator?
What's the name of the street the school is on?
Fallingbrook or Courcelette Rd
What is red and smells like blue paint?
Red Paint!
What pet does Ms. Reynolds have in the classroom?
What is the name of Dylan & Rowan`s dog?
Name all of the current afterschool staff?
In order:
Brook, Chanté, Dezire, Freddy, Habeeba and Sharae
What time does afterschool program start and end?
3:10pm & 6:00pm
(3:00pm will also be accepted as an answer)
What movie is Princess Fiona from?
What silly noise can Brook make?
A clown horn
Who is the oldest kid in aftercare?
What are the names of the current placement students?
Mafanta, Xavier, and Safa
How many bathrooms are in the school?
There are 6!
1 Girl & 1 Boys
2 Staff
1 Kindie
1 Staff (2nd floor)
What is the name of the pole that santa does not live at?
The South Pole!
Is a Tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
Technically is it... Both!
So any answer will be accepted!
Everyone in the group give a compliment to someone in the other group(s)
Name 3 staff that you rember that don't work here anymore!
Choose from any!
How Many Classrooms are in the school?
There are 20 Classrooms!
10 Downstairs & 10 Upstairs
What month has 28 days?
All of them!
What has to be broken before you use it?
(Think food)
An Egg!
Name all of the kids currently enrolled in the afterschool program?
Oliver, Viola, Bridget, Sakai, Ayumu, Ty, Parker, Penny, Tommie (TJ), Jozelle, Janella, Terrianna, Aarón
(I'll count: Diesel, Cori, Amiyah, Cayden, Demitris)