It means you do not understand your charges, the legal process or how to help your attorney.
What is Incompetent to Stand Trial?
This is a person who has information that is important to the trial. This person is supposed to tell the truth and tell what they saw and heard. This person can be either for you or against you.
Who is a witness?
When opposing attorneys question a witness.
What is Cross-Examine?
A defendant has a constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial. This includes being competent to stand trial.
What is the right to a trial?
This person's job is to prove to the judge or to the jury that you are guilty. This person is against you and is not on your side.
Who is the District Attorney or Prosecuting Attorney?
This word means the final decision.
What is Verdict?
When you, your lawyer, and the district reach an agreement.
What is Plea Bargain?
This is the person who is on your side. This person is trying to protect you and their goal is to get you free, or if you are found guilty, to get a reduced sentence for you.
Who is the Defense Attorney or Public Defender?
This is a less serious crime punishable by jail time.
What is a Misdemeanor?
Avoids the stress of trial, you know the sentencing before pleading guilty or no contest, receive a lower sentence than if convicted at trial, and the case is settled quicker.
What is Plea Bargain?
Another word used for attorney.
What is Counsel?
This is made up of 12 citizens that are selected from the local community and asked to serve as part of their civic duty. They receive instructions from the Judge. They decide the verdict after listening to all of the evidence presented by the district attorney and the public defender.
Who is the jury?
When a person is found guilty
What is convicted?
Counselor, Attorney on record, Public Defender, Court Appointed Attorney, Defense Attorney, Lawyer
The person should know the standards for behavior in court and some of the terms and penalties for inappropriate behavior there. Attention and concentration are important, as are disruptiveness, talking out of turn, appearance and hygiene.
What is Appropriate court room behavior?
This person keeps order in the court and makes sure you get a fair trial. They ensure that everyone follows the court room rules. This person has responsibilities that include passing the sentence, if there is a guilty verdict, setting the defendant free, if the verdict is not guilty and when there is no jury he/she decides guilt or innocence.
Who is the Judge?
The most serious type of charge.
What is a Felony?
The person charged with a crime.
What is a Defendant?
You will sign a legal agreement, have a sentencing hearing, are convicted of a crime.
What is accepting a Plea Bargain?