1st amendment
1st and 5th amendment
6th amendment
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Wisconsin V. Yoder

who is All children must attend school until 16 in Wisconsin.

In Amish 14+ can drop out based on Religion

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Yoder. 

Religious Exemption and doesn't hurt anyone based on the Free Exercise Clause?


Schenck v. United States

Burning Draft Cards Us is getting into War so the Draft occurs Schenck don't like, so he tells people to not turn them in and to even burn them! Supreme court rules in favor of US, there in a time of crisis so no disunion. Freedom of expression may be limited during war since it jeopardizes the nation.


Gideon v. Wainwright

Right to a lawyer

6th ammendemnet 

Giddion, a criminal, was arrested, He was broke so repented himself. He loses and goes to jail. Sues that they should of given him one.

Ruled the other ruling was unjust and deserved a lawyer. He gets a new trail w/ layer 

lost again bud


First Ammendment

What is RAPPS? 


Guarantees Americans the right to practice religion as they wish. Freedom of religious worship.

What is the Free Exercise Clause?


Engel V. Vitale

what is New York school wants kids to say standardized Prayer. Parents believe it violets establishment clause. Supreme Court Rules it unconstitutional. Violets establishment clauseForcing religion onto students since it says there is a God?


Miranda v. Arizona

Right to not Self Incriminate 

Miranda, criminal, cops question him for hours and never tell him that he dosn't have to say anything

He eventually lets in and confesses since he thought he had to

Miranda argues that he didn't know his rights, hes testimony was then invalid

GOES AGAINST 5th Amendment 

Supreme court rules his testimony as invalid since it was illegally found

This led to the Miranda Rights. 

also bro got prisoned anyway


3rd Ammendement 

What is quartering soliders?


Prohibits Congress from establishing an official religion in the US

Establishment Clause


Texas v. Johnson

what is Flag Burning?

Johnson (Texas resident) burns the flag as a protest. He is arrested and he appeals. Violet Freedom of Expression. Supreme Court says it's constitutional, Freedom of Expression. Most likely to be arrested based on other laws (only burn in ur backyard)?


5th ammendment

What is due process of law? 


Tinker V. Des Moines

what is 

Tinker (2 siblings) try to protest Vietnam War

Both wear black armbands in protest

Get in trouble by school, so sue's school

Supreme Court rules in favor of Tinker. Students have the right to symbolic speech at school as long as it is not disruptive (based on freedom of expression)?


6th ammendment

What is the right of a fair trail?


New York Times v. United States

National Security Issuie with Nixon

Whistle-Blowers in New York Times (bad image for Nix). Nix said it violated National Security so should suppress freedom of the press. Supreme Court favors Freedom of the Press. People who voted for him deserve to know what he's doing. Bro quits cuz he got outted



What is the 20th Ammendement?

What is lame ducks? changed the start and end dates for the terms of the president, vice president, and members of Congress