Roe v. Wade (1973)
California Regents V. Bakke (1978)
Baker V. Carr (1962)
Buckley V. Valeo (1976)
Immigration & Naturalization Service V. Chada (1983)
This reproductive right was sought by women and was later ruled to have Constitutional support.
What is Abortion
Which was the lower court where Bakke's trial took place?
What is The California Superior Court
Was a republican who lived in Shelby county, Tennessee
Who was Plaintiff Charles Baker
U.S constitutional law case of the U.S Supreme Court on campaign finance
What is Buckley V. Valeo
_ cannot take any action that has the force of the law, unless the president occurs in that action
Who is Congress
This specific section of the 14th Amendment was cited by the Supreme Court as encompassing the right to privacy. It also requires that the government respect all the legal rights owed to a person.
What is the Due Process Clause?
True or False: There were people of these racial minority groups that were accepted through the regular admissions program at the University of California Davis.
"Equal protection of the laws" required by this amendment
The fourteenth amendment
Campaign spending is a form of political expression the _ Amendment protects
What is the first Amendment
_ was a U.S Supreme court case ruling in 1983 that one-house legislative veto violated the Constitutional separation of power
What is the Immigration & naturalization service V. chada
These two Justices dissented in the case of Roe v. Wade.
Who are Justice Rehnquist and Justice White?
What was the argument of the justices who were against Bakke?
They believed that having quotas (the special admissions program) was constitutional.
Associate Justice who was torn over the case that eventually had to "recuse" himself for health reasons
Who was Associate Justice Charles Evans Whittaker
Forbids congress from limiting individual political campaign expenditures
What is the constitution
Congress passed a member of laws containing vetoes, most notably one was the
War powers act (1973)
Represented all pregnant women in a class action lawsuit. Also known as Norma McCorvey.
Who is Jane Roe?
What two things did the University of California Davis Medical School have to do after the Supreme Court trial?
What is The University of California Davis Medical School had to tear down its special admissions program and also had to admit Allan.
The court split which in ruling that baker's case was justiciable
6 to 2
Buckley V. Valeo was extended by the U.S Supreme court significantly in the _ decision of First National Bank of Boston V. Bellotti
5 to 4
The requirement that n executive decision must lie before congress for a specified period before it takes any effect is_
What is Unconstitutional
Texas anti-abortion laws prior to Roe v. Wade targed this group. They did not apply to pregnant women. Thus, the plaintiff attorneys had to carefully explain why their case had standing.
Who are abortion practicioners (doctors)?
Allan Bakke had previous degrees from which two schools?
He had degrees from Stanford and the University of Minnesota.
The Justice who switched his vote at the last minute
Who was Justice Tom C. Clark
Congress can Regulating Contributions to _ and _
What is Candidates and Parties
In an opinion by Chief Justice _, the Court held that the resolution of the House of Representatives vetoing the Attorney General's determination is constitutionally invalid, unenforceable, and not binding.
Who was Warren Earl Burger