first court to hear a dispute in NJ
NJ Superior Court
A case in which a member of the military is tried
court martial case
criminal offender is released, but with supervision and must report to officer
order from the US Supreme Court to a State Court to turn over its court record of a case
party against whom the
lawsuit is brought
Which party must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in a trial?
delays start of punishment for offender ex: medical condition
called Circuit Courts; handles cases sent from lower courts to be reviewed
US Court of Appeals
forgives the accused from further punishment
Who is the Chief Justice of the United States?
Chief Justice John Roberts
In NJ, the amount that a tenant can sue up to in small claims court
handles cases involving federal tariff laws
US Customs Court
the release of a prisoner temporarily or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior
Who is the Chief Justice of the NJ Supreme Court?
Stuart Rabner
Two purposes of juvenile court
to rehabilitate and provide guidance
the crime of attempting to influence a jury through other means than the evidence presented in court
Jury Tampering
handles civil cases involving more than $10,000 & crimninal cases violating Federal Law; one in each state, organized by geographical areas
US District Courts
process where a jury discusses in private the findings of the court and decides by vote with which argument to agree with
legal deliberation
order from the US Supreme Court to a State Court to turn over its court record of a case
writ of certiorari