Prosecutors & Defense
PreTrial Release
Plea Bargains

While DA could stand for Defense Attorney, it is typically used to abbreviate what type of prosecutor? 

District Attorney


When a defendant elects to not have a trial by peers (a jury) and instead be tried by a judge/panel of judges what is this type of trial called? 

Bench Trial


Which state recently abolished a cash bail system? 



Define what a plea bargain is in one brief statement.

*answer will vary* 

*ex: a negotiation in exchange for a guilty plea one will typically get a lesser charge and/or sentence.


This type of jury determines whether or not someone can be indicted of a crime. In other words, whether or not there is enough evidence to charge someone with the crime.

Grand Jury


The prosecution represents the ______ while the defense represents ________.

State, County, District, United States

Defendant/person accused


State Judges are usually ________, while federal court judges are ______ by the President of the United States.

*hint- how do judges get their positions?

elected; appointed


Articulate the difference between bail and bond.

Bail: dollar amount/conditions set by the court to ensure you show back up for court.

Bond: financial pledge you make with an agency (bail bonds agency) so they may your bail amount on your behalf.

Approximately this percentage of cases end in a plea deal...



Typically, how many members serve on the jury for trial? 

6-12; this number does vary by state. Federal cases will guarantee 12 members of the jury.


This rule helps keep prosecutors "in check" by making it illegal for prosecutors to keep evidence from defendant that might prove their innocence.

Brady Rule


How do judges determine one's sentence? 

hint *What are the names of the documents/materials referenced in this decision?

Sentencing Guidelines

State's Revised Code (ex: Ohio Revised Code)


Describe what a Release on Recognizance (ROR) means....

If judge decides you are unlikely to “bail”, you may be released on recognizance (ROR)

Released at no cost, only promise to return to court

Common, but generally reserved for misdemeanor offenses


List all actors involved in determining a plea negotiation. 






This is what it is called when the jury cannot make a unanimous decision. A _______ jury



Discuss 3 issues seen in Wednesday's class about the "Crisis in being a Public Defender" 

*answers will vary

Ex: overworked, giant caseloads, understaffed, too many people to represent coming into the CJS, not a lot of support, paid less than private attorneys or prosecutors... 


Discuss why the judge is referred to as "the referee of the courtroom" 

*Looking for examples of how judges keep order


What are 2 pros and 2 cons of having a bail bonds agency post your bail on your behalf.

Answers will vary- Pros: you get out, your family does not have to spend their own money (minus fees).

Cons: lose fees when you show up for court, may have additional stipulations, room for corruption, may lose collateral (house/car) if you don't show up for court.


Plea negotiations support which major model in the criminal justice system? 

hint *out of the two models discussed*

Crime Control model


Name three reasons you may be exempt from jury duty

economic hardship

personal opinions

felony conviction

family issues

gov't worker, police, military, fire

certain physical/mental health concerns


Discuss two examples of pretrial motions that the defense can file.

§Case to be dismissed due to lack of evidence

Evidence to be suppressed if obtained illegally

Change of venue

Invalidation of a search warrant

To dismiss due to delays in bringing it to trial

Any evidence the prosecutor may be withholding


Discuss 4 tasks that a judge has before a trial actually occurs.


•Is there sufficient probable cause to issue a search or arrest warrant?

•Is there sufficient probable cause to authorize electronic surveillance?

•Is there enough evidence to justify the temporary incarceration of suspect?

•Should defendant be released on bail? What should the bail be set at?

•What pre-trial motions should be set in place (i.e. what evidence or witnesses can be used or kept out of trial)

•Plea bargain?

Teach/instruct jury/role in jury selection


Discuss in detail, at least three contexts that may influence a judge's decision when considering bail.

1.Judge primarily makes decisions based on seriousness of current crime; bail decisions made within 48 hours of arrest; not enough time to look over criminal history

2.Risk – judge doesn’t know if they will return to court, nor does the judge know if they will commit another crime when out on bail

3.Jail overcrowding – impractical to keep folks in jails who don’t pose a serious threat to public safety…  after all… they haven’t (yet) been convicted of a crime


Please discuss three pros and three cons of a defendant taking a plea deal. 


Quick, easy, efficient

Lightens load of prosecutor/judge

Assures conviction (even if lighter sentence)

Avoids long and expensive trials

Could lead to “bigger fish to fry”


Unwarranted leniency

Coerces suspects to surrender amendment rights

6th: right to trial

5th: self-incrimination

Prosecutors desire to “win” causes them to overcharge in order to gain bargaining leverage.


Please discuss three pros and three cons of having a jury by your peers.


Protects us from a corrupt state/ prosecutor/ government

Job of jury is to look at evidence and “find the truth”

Helps assure that trials are “fair”

Having a jury of peers should guarantee diverse perspectives will hear your case

Gives regular Americans chance to participate in the criminal legal process


Jurors don’t understand the nuances of law

Might make decisions based on emotion instead of objectivity

Might make decisions based on other external factors (ex: they just want to go home)

Court players can manipulate who is on jury