Jury Duty
The number of people that typically serve on a jury

What is 12?


How jurors are selected

What is randomly from a pool of registered voters and drivers license holders?

The number of years of education past high school to become a lawyer

What is 7? 4 years for undergraduate degree, 3 years of law school


What a jury is called when jurors can't come to a unanimous decision

What is a hung jury?


The average salary of a lawyer in the United States

What is $110,000/year?


A reason someone may not qualify for jury duty

What is not 18 years old, not able to speak English sufficiently, not a US citizen, convicted of a felony


What a person has to pass to officially become a lawyer (what the test is called)

What is "the bar"?

According to many legal history scholars, the symbolic line represents an actual partition or railing that existed in courtrooms, the purpose of which was to separate the public at large from the officers of the court. Gaining permission to cross over this railing means you've passed the bar.



How much a juror is paid per day in Minnesota

What is $20/day?


The difference between a lawyer and an attorney

What is a lawyer is trained in law, but an attorney practices in the court.