Alexander *blank* the Third (sorry Al)
Who is Fartington
Al's favorite food
What is beans
Never ending Just Dance routine
What is the Eye of the Tiger
Show at midnight on New Years Eve 2020
What is The Office
Game that Elias and Isaiah constantly play and argue over
What is Madden
Favorite pool/lake activity
Theme of parent date night dinner
What is Mexican food
Most recent song sung to get a sleepover
What is Let it Be/Let us Sleep
Childhood show consisting of two brothers and an awesome band called Love Handle
What is Phineas and Ferb
Winner of 2020-2021 Cousin Fantasy Football league
Who is Uncle Chris/Dad
Grammy's biggest regret at New Years
What is getting us noise makers
Beverage that Ellie throw when she was addicted to dabbing
What is a water bottle (again, sorry Al)
Tent sleepover bedtime music
What is Enter Sandman and Three Little Birds
Live from New York it's *blank*
Winner of last years NFL Playoff card game
Who is the favorite cousin (Alaina)
Aidan's sleepover book
What is Big Mama
Most common meals at Grammy and Pas (any answer works)
Mac and Cheese
Aldis Pizza
Song consisting of a villain trying to teach his clones how to be villains
What is We are Number One
Movie watched 4.5 times in the span of one night by Al and Elias
What is Moana
Game (and cult) played by Isaiah, Elias, Ellie, and Al consisting of Isaiah throwing a tiny ball and fighting to the death to get repossession of
What is Woah Donkey
Grammy's way of getting us to bed
What is getting the kindle out
Beverage that Grammy often has too much of :p
What is Mike's HARD Lemonade
Opening song of Shrek I
What is All Star
Show that Isaiah read subtitles for through Zoom
Cousins still in 2021 playoff card game
Who is Ellie, Alaina, Elias (sorry Dalzells)