The number of kids Mrs. Noakes has.
What is 2?
Mrs. Davis' favorite beverage
What is coffee?
Snack Mr. Sturm shares a lot
What are Cheezits?
Mrs. Post's daughter's names
What is Chloe and Autumn?
Mrs. Castro's youngest daughter's name
What is Luciana?
The two things that make Mrs. Noakes scary
What are her eyebrows?
The animal Mrs. Davis hates
What is the Monkey?
Branch of the Military in which Mr. Sturm serves
What is the Army?
Mrs. Post's husband's profession
What is Orthopedic Surgeon?
The country in which Mrs. Castro grew up
What is Spain?
The vehicle that Mrs. Noakes drives
What is Ford Explorer?
Mrs. Davis' favorite comedian
Who is Tim Hawkins?
Small silver car that Mr. Sturm drives
What is Volkswagen Beetle?
The subject Mrs. Post's twin sister teaches?
What is Art?
Mrs. Castro's best friend
Who is Mrs. Davis?
The grade level Mrs. Noakes used to teach
What is first grade?
The band Mrs. Davis has on a coffee mug
Who are the Beatles?
The University that Mr. Sturm attended
What is Rutgers?
One of Mrs. Post's jobs on Medical Mission Trips
What is sterilizing equipment?
What Mrs. Castro's coffee mug says
What is "Hello Pumpkin"?
The costume Mrs. Noakes wore for Trunk or Treat
What is a shark?
Mrs. Davis' favorite shoes
What are Converse?
The middle school in which Mr. Sturm's daughter attends
What is Discovery?
The town Mrs. Post is from?
What is Holland, MI?
The grade level Mrs. Castro taught at Covenant before middle school
What is first grade immersion?
I hope this is right????