cowboy origin
tools of trade
cowboy job
cowboy living
where did the name cowboy come from?

The name cowboy came from the word vaquero witch was the Spanish word for an individual who managed cattle while on horseback.


why did the cowboys use lassos?

they used them to gather and hook on animals.


what were used to make the horses go faster?

Spers are used to kick the horse making them go faster instead of using a whip.


what animal did cowboys usually round up?

cowboys had to round up cattle. 


what did ranches have to be?

they had to be self sufficient for a long period of time. 


where did the cowboy culture come from?

the culture came from Spain.


what is the Cowboys most important tool?

 the saddle was the cowboy’s most important and finest tool.


what did the cowboys base their choice of clothes and equipment off of?

they would usually choose their clothes depending on the weather.


what did the cowboys do on a daily basis?

A Cowboy is a hired person who herds and cares for cattle and horses that belong to a ranch owner. The cowboy usually does this job on horseback.


what were cowboys families dependent on?

they were dependent on slow camel and oxen trains for supplies. 


what happened during the 1800s?

english speaking settlers traveled to the west and adopted aspects of the vaquero culture, including their clothing style and cattle-driving methods. 


what were spurs used for?

Spurs were used to signal a horse to quick action, in such tasks as cutting and roping.


what did Mexican vaqueros teach the cowboys to use?

they taught the cowboys to use chaps.


what animal are cowboys responsible for?

Cowboys are responsible for feeding, branding, and moving cattle, horses, and often pigs, chickens, goats, and sheep.


what were the buildings usually made of?

they were made of timber


what diverse backgrounds did cowboys come from?

there were many diverse cowboys including African-Americans, Native Americans, Mexicans, and people from the united states and Europe.


what did the cowboy's horses help with? 

they helped with moving cattle and pulling wagons.


what do chaps do?

chaps are used to protect cowboys from thorny bushes ripping their pants and cutting their legs. 


usually, Cowboys wear chaps, bandanas, jeans, boots, gloves, and hats. why? 

They dress like this because it is important to keep themselves protected from the outdoors and the animals that they will work with all day long.


what were the building designed to adapt to?

they were designed to adapt to changing need, and to the changing demands of the climate.


who were cowboys hired by and why?

cowboys were hired by ranchers to tend to the livestock.


what gun was most used by the Cowboys that was an innovative handgun for its time?

the colt peacemaker.


why did cowboys wear hats?

cowboys wear hats to shade them from the sun and to signal other cowboys.


why is wearing specific clothing important?

 Wearing clothing and accessories that protect them is a way to make sure that they will be able to work more quickly throughout the day.


what was most of the furniture in a cowboy house made of?

the horns and hide from the cattle were used to make a great variety of their furniture.