CD Team
Spinach, Chicken, Cran
Who said that?
Special Guests Firsts!
Special Guests

Whose first job was coaching gymnastics?


Who is THE ONLY CD team member who said "nah" to cranberries?

Action Jackson....


Who answered the celebrity lunch question stating "Cillian Murphy! Yes, I will tell him and I wouldn't be mad if he didn't tell me. He is my celebrity crush! I'll forgive him anything!"



Who responded to the first job question stating "I was too cute to work. Still am, quite frankly."

Ours truly, Subashiny


Which platforms team member stated that in another life they would be "Hype man/ DJ, or person with tambourine"

Ange Cho!


Who on our team is a twin?

Action and his twin Inaction


The only CD member to choose Chicken instead of Fish?

Kim! Explanation being she "didn't eat anything under the sea until [she] was in [her] early 30s"


Who answered first car question by stating "Mom said my man should always drive!" 



Which Designer indicated their first job was "Gardener for the Mayor in her church turned art studio"



Which designer was nicknamed "Yo-Man" growing up?



Which 2 CD team members had a Jeep as their first car?

Steph and Kelsey!


Which TWO CD team members wanted to have lunch with Dua Lipa?

Kyle and Bella! (both would tell her about the spinach)


Who answered the celebrity lunch with "Kelsey Grammer - I loved him in Frasier and would love to have a fancy lunch with Frasier. I would tell him because he’s very funny when he’s embarrassed. I’d be mad just to see how he reacts, I would assume profuse apologies from his end which would be funny to me."



Which video team member's first car was a bright orange Honda Fit?



Who used to be good at spelling bees and believes they could one day win one?



Who believes they already figured out we were living in a simulation? They figured it out in 2016.

Jill Mulligan


Who could eat "anything with Tabasco" for a week straight?



Whose response to superlatives was "No, we weren't allowed to do superlatives because this one girl wanted to get most popular, but didn't, and then cried and her mom complained to the school district."

Stephanie, who claims she wasn't "that girl"

Which Video team member stated their first job was "teaching" LEGO? "In high school, I was one of four LEGO tutors for elementary-aged kids. You may be asking - why do you need a teacher for LEGO? In theory, it's to discuss engineering principles like axles, rotation, gears, and building stability...but in reality, 90% of the time we were just playing LEGOs with third graders for 2 hours every afternoon."



Which designer stated "In high school I was voted Most Likely to Succeed and Most Likely to Be President. And not to brag but I absolutely mopped the floor with the other boys in my graduating class. However, the administrator responsible for tallying the votes assumed I was a girl because of my name, so I got shut out of the voting entirely and the second place boys ended up officially winning each category. That means Fred Kolb was crowned Most Likely to Be President, even though everybody knew that Fred Kolb was born and raised in Germany. And you don't have to be a constitutional scholar to know that the President of the United States must be a natural-born citizen of the United States. So how could Fred Kolb be Most Likely to Be President, if Fred Kolb cannot legally be president? And you might say "Oh, he could be Most Likely to Be President of Germany." Well no, Germany doesn't even have a "President," they have a Chancellor. So what's really going on here? I say all of that to say this: I'm running for President in 2028, and I would be honored to have your support."



Which FOUR CD members said they would be singers / vocals in our band?

Atishay, Jill, Kim, Minju!


Which two team members said they could eat tacos for a week straight?

Kelsey & Kyle!


Who answered superlatives stating "I was in the final 3 of best hair, best personality, and most attractive but lost all 3 :) "

Kyle Jackson ladies and gents!!


Which TWO special guest women (not same team) drove beat up pick up trucks as their first cars?

Ange and Maddie!


Which member from platforms and member from CD BOTH said they wanted to take Martha Stewart out to lunch?

Kelsey and Naina!