Which NC county has the most dairy farms?
What is: Iredell county
Which family gifted us the original NCSU dairy herd?
What is: the Kenan family
What is 2873's actual name?
What is: Princess Leia
Are there lights on the skid steers?
What is: yes
Which singer is JalapeƱo's daughter named after?
What is: Jelly Roll
What is the top selling dairy product in the U.S.?
What year did we start milking in the current parlor?
What is: 2012
This cow is the only daughter of Snow White still living on the farm.
What is: Comet
Roughly, how many milking cows do we currently maintain?
What is: 130
What used to be where the concrete pad is and who was housed there?
What is: Pole barn and weaned calves (old heifer barn)
What state has the most dairy cows?
What is: California
In what order did we add each breed of dairy cow to the farm?
What is: Jersey, Holstein, Red and White Holstein, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Milking Short Horn
Who were the original Ayrshire cows bought for the farm?
What is: Roxy, Sassy, Leah
Which one of Will's kids was born in the dairy house?
What is: Jesse, the 3rd offspring
Which month is National Dairy Month?
What is: June
Where was the original dairy unit located?
What is: Where Reynold's Coliseum is now
This cow was photographed by Devan and prominently featured in a Select Sire calendar.
What is: Alaska R.I.P.
What are the 2 free choice minerals that the cows are offered?
What is: salt and sodium bicarbonate
Where does the U.S. rank in world dairy production?
What is: 2nd
What year was the first dairy barn built on campus?
What is: 1892
What are the primary ingredients in the lactating cows TMR?
What is: Corn silage, chopped straw, soy hulls, cotton, water
Who has been the best student employee on the farm?
What is: ALL of Yall!!