Terms that are automatically tied to every purchase made via SAP
What are Purchase Order Terms & Conditions?
Current SSJ Threshold
What is $250K?
Year Motiva purchased chemical assets now known as PAC
When is 2019?
Document that contains authorized manufacturers
What is the Approved Vendors & Manufacturers List?
CPLT member who played college football at SFA?
Who is Joe Tracy?
Email address for PDF invoice submissions
What is APInvoicing@Motiva.com ?
Contract template used for a new vendor supplying both materials and services
What is a Master Goods & Services Agreement?
Location that all CP policies are stored
What is PolicyTech?
Year the Port Arthur Refinery started operations
When is the year 1903?
A cloud-based software solution that helps companies manage their spend, supply chain, and procurement processes
What is Ariba?
CPLT member who tells their cat every day how pretty she is.
Who is Calie Gardner?
Resource to request review of terms and conditions by additional team members
What is the CP Legal Intake App?
The name of this portion of a contract
What is a Preamble?
A buying channel available for certain purchases where Motiva AP pays the vendor directly via a wire transfer, not requiring a PO
What is an FI/finance invoice?
Approximate amount of pipeline Motiva Operates
What is 400 miles?
An operational document used by various business units to distill category strategies into need to know detail that can be executed at the level where the physical field work occurs
What is a Sourcing Guide?
CPLT member who managed a Shell lubricants facility
Who is Chad Caruso?
SAP T-Code to release a single purchase order
What is ME29N?
Alternative insurance contracting program
CP VP's current ($) DoA
What is $7,200,000 ?
Daily Crude Capacity
What is 720,000 barrels?
Used when looking for a solution to an overall problem and scope is not fully complete - generally defined as contracting
What is an RFP/Request for Proposal?
CPLT member who has a dog named Pizza
Vendor who is the warehouse operator
Who is Axion Logistics?
In our standard MSA template, Exhibit A is typically __
What is Scope of Work?
If value creation entry exceeds ____, written confirmation/approval from the business unit leader (ELT-1) benefitting from the value creation is required
What is $1MM?
Number of active Motiva joint ventures
What is four: Latitude, Juniper, First Coast Energy, PNT Pipeline Link?
Dollar amount that Motiva agrees to reimburse a Contractor for the Contractor's employees
What is a billable wage?
CPLT member loves to go to Las Vegas.
Who is Brian Johns?
Accounts or property that is abandoned within companies or financial institutions, in which there has been no activity between the owner and the company for a specified amount of time
What is Unclaimed Property?