Federigo's Falcon:
This is the heartbreaking twist that happens when Monna G dines with Federigo.
What is that Monna G wants to take the falcon home to her son to make him feel better, but Federigo has killed to impress her with a nice dinner?
This is why Cyrano stops the play.
What is because he feels the actor isn't worthy?
This is who "Lady Maria" is about on the surface.
Who is Mother Mary?
This character said, "It is clear . . . that you are not experienced in adventures. Those are giants, and if you are afraid, turn aside and pray whilst I enter into fierce and unequal battle with them"
Who is Don Quixote?
Don Quixote:
This is the "monster" that Don Quixote fights.
What is a windmill?
Story of the Grail:
This is the 'miracle' that happens concerning the mansion.
What is that he sees only the field at first and then suddenly it appears?
This is the feeling that the playwright is trying to evoke in the viewer in the first few scenes of Act I.
What is chaos?
This is why scholars believe that "Lady Maria" is more than just a religious poem.
What is because the poem is written as a sensual love poem which is out of place for the genre?/etc
This character said, "Federigo, if you recall your past life and my virtue, which you perhaps mistook for harshness and cruelty, I do not doubt at all that you will be amazed by my presumption when you hear what my main reason for coming here is . . ."
Who is Monna Giovanna?
Renaissance Fables:
This is the main purpose of a fable.
What is to teach morals through stories?
King Arthur:
This was the inscription of the sword in the stone.
(get the gist)
What is, "Whoso pulleth out this sword is by right of birth King of England"?
This is the reason that Cyrano will not tell Roxane how he feels.
What is he is afraid she will laugh at him?
This is the potential other subject of "Lady Maria"
Who is the poet's lover?
This character said, "Kay shall not be without a sword this day. I will take that sword in the churchyard, and give it to him"
Who is Arthur?
Don Quixote:
This is why Don Quixote was so enamored with knights.
What is he read too many knight stories/books?
King Arthur:
This was the wedding gift Arthur received when he married Gwen.
What is the round table?
What is his nose?
This is the plot of "Sonnet 23"
What is that her lover was martyred and she is dealing with her grief?
This character said, "What have I come for? Deceit and trickery! . . . he told me I'd see a house when I came up here! Fisherman, you did me great dishonour . . ."
Who is The Knight/Perceval?
This Perceval's relationship with The Maiden.
What is his cousin?
King Arthur:
This was Kay's relationship to Arthur.
This is what Cyrano is doing while he is dueling the young nobleman.
What is making up rhymes on the spot about what he's doing?
This is the definition of a Sonnet.
What is a poem written in 14 lines in iambic pentameter.
This character said, "The wildest wind that ever blew is safe to me, compared with you. I bend, indeed, but never break"
Who is The Reed?
Story of the Grail:
This is why the Nobleman did not explain about the Grail.
What is because if Perceval had asked about it, the Nobleman would have been magically healed of his wounds?