Early Colonization
Land Loss
Wars / Rebellions
Columbian Exchange

What were Spain's 3 big goals in colonization

God, Gold, Glory


What is the word for giving up one's own culture (willingly or by force) in order to take on the more dominant culture in society



Why did the US decide to BREAK UP the reservation system in the 1880s? List at least 2 justifications

-Said assimilation was better but they could not learn to be like White Americans if they did not live alongside them

-Said giving rations taught people to be lazy

-US was not living up to promises to educate them on reservations 

-Said that communal life on reservations went against God's will


As specifically as possible, name the major causes and effects of the French and Indian War

Cause: England and France fight over the land of the Ohio River Valley. France / Native people already lived there, England tried to take it. French / Native people work together to fight England

Effect: England wins, takes all of Ohio River Valley. France loses all land in the Americas.


What is the "old world" ? What is the "new world" ? 

Old: Eastern Hemisphere (Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.)

New: Western Hemisphere (The Americas)


What was Columbus's goal when he landed in the Americas?

Looking for a faster water route to the East Indies because before this people had to sail all around Africa to get there from Europe - did not know the Americas would be in the way


How did the breakdown of the reservation system harm native people?

Led to 90 million acres of land loss - many had to sell their land in order to survive

Led to loss of culture as reservations helped preservative languages, religions, community, etc. 


List at least 4 things that made life on reservations difficult 

-Not enough food

-Not enough clothing / bad quality

-Not allowed to leave 

-Not allowed to hunt

-Multiple tribes live together 


-Disease / bad access to health care



As specifically as possible, name the major causes and effects of the Battle of Little Bighorn

Cause: US wanted to get the last of the Sioux people onto reservations, one big group was running / hiding because they did not want to move. They stop to complete a Sun Dance and this gives the US the chance to catch them

Effect: Indigenous people win, biggest victory in Plains history. Ultimately convinces the US they need to work harder to get Indigenous people onto reservations, threaten to stop feeding those living on reservations until all the Sioux move to reservations. This threat works, most end up on reservations 


Define Columbian Exchange specifically

The widespread transfer of goods, ideas, animals, diseases, etc. between the "old" and "new" world following first contact between people of the different hemispheres

Define colonization

The process of one country settling in a new area and taking control over the people, resource, government, land, etc. there.


Name 3 differences between the conventional story we are told at Thanksgiving and the REAL Thanksgiving story 

-They ate mostly fish and deer, not turkey

-Wampanoag were NOT invited as a thank you, they overheard it and just showed up 

-Was NOT the start of a lasting friendship - soon started fighting each other

-Wampanoag brought most of the food

-Native people see it as day of mourning not happy holiday


What did the Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 do?

Create the reservation system and force Native People to move onto reservations 


As specifically as possible, name the major causes and effects of Pontiac's Rebellion 

Cause: English settlers start moving west after the French and Indian War and take Native land. Pontiac unites several tribes to fight for the land

Effect: Ends in stalemate - King of England creates Proclamation Line of 1763. This law says that ONLY Indigenous people can live west of the Appalachian Mountains 


List at least 3 specific ways that guns changed Indigenous life

-leads to over-hunting as hunters "trap out" areas to trade fur for guns

-cultural loss (France traded guns in exchange for conversation to Catholicism)

-causes wars over hunting grounds

-increases Indigenous slavery

-more time for arts and culture because hunting is easier

-better chance at winning wars against colonization

-change style of warfare

-war gets more deadly


Define and Describe Encomiendas

The system of forced labor Spain used in the Americas in which they enslaved Native people, mostly in silver and gold mines. 

Killed people for fun including children, forced conversation to Catholicism, took away food until they starved, etc. 


List at least 5 justifications the US gave for Manifest Destiny

-Educate Native people

-Convert Native people to Christianity / God wants it

-Need for transportation (transcontinental railroad)

-Need for communication

-Need more land to support growing population

-Land in the west was high quality and needed for resources

-Give rights like self government / will govern better than other countries 



What did the Dawes Act do?

Break down the reservation system by giving each Native family 160 acres of land instead of allowing the land to be owned communally 


As specifically as possible, name the major causes and effects of the Pueblo Revolt (aka Pope's Rebellion)

Causes: indigenous slavery, encomienda system, forced conversion to Catholicism, general mistreatment of indigenous people by Spain

Impact: Pueblo people win, kick Spain out of New Mexico for 12 years and return to independence. Later Spain returns and recolonizes, but treats the people a little better


List 3 specific ways disease changed Indigenous life

-smallpox alone killed up to 50% of each tribe

-biggest killer of native people

-killed 20 million people - 90% of total population

-made it easier for them to be colonized as they were too sick to fight back

-cultural loss as older generations die



Summarize how the English in Jamestown treated Native people as specifically as possible 

In the beginning Chief Powhatan helped the English learn to grow food to help create peaceful relationships - later relationship went bad and they started fighting wars over land and mistreatment 


Summarize life in Indigenous boarding school using at least 5 specific details 

-Cut their hair

-Banned native languages

-over 500 students die

-Ban native foods, clothing, etc.


-Disease spreads

-Teach students to hate Native Americans

-Teach that the US is great / lie about history to make the US look great and Native people look bad

-Change their religions

-Change their names to sound more "American"



Describe the impact of the Indian Removal Act with at least 5 specific details

-Causes Trail of Tears 

-over 1,000 mile walk Native people forced to take

-force tribes to move to Oklahoma

-Over 4,000 Cherokee people die from starvation, disease, etc

-Those who cannot walk are killed, not given time for burial



As specifically as possible, name the major causes and effects of King Philip's War

Causes: broken treaty promises by English, English maybe killed King Philip's brother, stolen land, murder of Sassamon followed by execution of 3 Wampanoag by the English, forced conversion to Christianity, unfair court system, etc.

Effects: ends positive relationship between Native people / England in New England, mass destruction of New England settlements, English settlers won so they got to continue colonizing the land, King Philip died


List at least 3 specific ways horses changed Indigenous life 

-Made hunting faster (more time for culture, art, religion, etc.)

-Led to overhunting

-Take on religious meaning 

-Information spread easier

-Inter-tribal conflict due to horse stealing 

-Allowed nomadic tribes to carry more stuff when they move
