Momentum basics
Impulse - momentum
Conservation problems

Momentum = mass times _______

What is velocity?


Impulse can have these two different units

What is kg*m/s or N*s?

This type of collision has the masses combined afterwards

What is a sticky (complete inelastic) collision?


Momentum is conserved for which these types of collisions

What are all collisions? (Include sticky aka total inelastic, elastic, and explosions)


The momentum of a 0.1 kg cricket jumping at 15 m/s. Have correct units

What is 1.5 kg*m/s?


Units of momentum are _______.

What is kg*m/s?

During an experiment with two eggs dropped from the same height, when an egg hits the concrete instead of a carpet, you ________ the force and ________ the time. (Increase or decrease). The impulse changes/doesn't change.

What is: increase the force and decrease the time, and the impulse does not change. 

This type of collision is the opposite of a sticky collision

What is an explosion?


Momentum is conserved except when there are these.

What are net external forces? AKA Unbalanced outside forces.

The impulse of a 35 N force exerted for 3 seconds.

Units must be correct

What is 105 N*s?


If a 10 kg watermelon is thrown at 3.5 m/s, it's momentum is _________. Must include correct units. 

What is 35 kg*m/s?


An air bag _______ (increase/decrease) the time of the collision and ______(increase/decrease) The force of the collision. The impulse ______(changes/doesn't change)

What is: increase the time of collision, decrease the force, and impulse doesn't change?


This type of collision conserves energy and happens when objects bounce off each other without sticking. 

What is an elastic collision?

Person A with 30 kg runs at 6 m/s, hitting Person B with 40 kg who was still. Afterwards, they move together in a jumbled mess at 2 m/s. Momentum was or was not conserved. (Prove with correct numbers)

What is NO because initial total momentum was 180 kg*m/s but final total momentum was 140 kg*m/s?


The mass of a skydiver moving at 150 m/s with 7500 kg*m/s of momentum is _________.

What is 50 kg?

Between a 0.5 kg baseball thrown at 40 m/s and a 0.3 kg football thrown at 30 m/s, this ball has more momentum, and calculate the value: 

What is the baseball with 20 kg*m/s of momentum?


If a 25 kg box is moving at 3 m/s and it stops, the impulse on it must have been

What is -75 N*s?


If object one with 1500 kg*m/s of momentum hits object two which was at rest, and afterwards object one is at rest, this is how much momentum object two must have? Assume conservation of momentum.

What is 1,500 kg*m/s of momentum?


Cart B with mass 40 kg is still at first and cart A with mass 80 kg is moving with 50 m/s of initial velocity. They collide and cart A stops while cart B moves away with all the initial momentum of cart A. What is the final momentum of this system?

What is 4000 kg*m/s?


The force felt in a 50 N*s impulse that acts over 0.2 seconds.

What is 250 N?

The velocity of a 10,000 kg*m/s momentum car with a mass of 1,250 kg is_________.

What is 8m/s?


The time of an impulse if the force felt is 800 N and the impulse was 2400 N*s.

What is 3 seconds?

Car A with 1400 kg*m/s of momentum hits Car B which has 800 kg*m/s of momentum. Their final momentum is, assuming conservation of momentum: ________

What is 2,200 kg*m/s?


A 5 kg ball of sticky putty is thrown at 35 m/s and hits a 10 kg cat. The cat and sticky putty fly together. __________ is the total momentum of the cat and sticky putty as they fly.

What is 175 kg*m/s?


The velocity of a 2,500,000 kg tanker with 12,500,000 kg*m/s units of momentum is: 

What is 5 m/s?