Exam Format
Reading & Use of English
Writing Section
Listening Section
Speaking Section

How many papers (sections) are there on the CPE exam?

Four (Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening, Speaking).


How many questions are there in the Reading and Use of English paper?

53 questions.


How many parts are there in the Writing paper?

Two parts.


How many questions are there in the Listening paper?

30 questions


How long is the Speaking test?

16 minutes.


What formats can the CPE exam be taken in?

Paper-based or computer-based.


Name one type of text you might be tested on in the Reading section.

Fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers, or magazines.


How many words are required for Writing Part 1?

240–280 words.


How many times will you hear each recording during the Listening test?



Who will you speak to during the Speaking test?

An interlocutor (examiner) and another candidate.


How long is the total CPE exam (including all sections)?

Approximately 3 hours and 56 minutes.


In the Reading and Use of English paper, what does Part 1 (Multiple-choice cloze) focus on?

Vocabulary (e.g., idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs).


What are the two types of tasks you will be required to write in the Writing paper?

Part 1 is an essay; Part 2 is a choice between an article, report, review, or letter.


Name one type of spoken material you will hear in the Listening section.

Conversations, lectures, seminars, broadcasts, or talks.


How many parts are there in the Speaking test?

Three parts.


What four skills does the CPE exam assess?

Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking (with Use of English included in Reading).


How many parts are there in the Reading and Use of English paper?

Seven parts.


What are the four criteria used to assess writing?

Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation, and Language.


What is the total length of the Listening test?

Approximately 40 minutes.


Name two of the five criteria used to assess the Speaking test.

Grammatical Resource, Lexical Resource, Discourse Management, Pronunciation, Interactive Communication.


What is the purpose of the Statement of Results?

shows the candidate's score for each skill and Use of English, overall score, grade, and CEFR level.


Give an example of a task format used in Part 6 of Reading and Use of English.

Gapped text (rearranging paragraphs to restore a coherent text).

  • Multiple-choice Cloze: A text with gaps where candidates must choose the correct word or phrase from a set of options.

  • Open Cloze: A text with gaps where candidates must supply the missing word, testing grammar and vocabulary.

  • Word Formation: A text with gaps where candidates must change the form of a given word (e.g., changing a verb to a noun or an adjective).

  • Key Word Transformation: Candidates are given a sentence and a key word, and they must rewrite the sentence using the key word to keep the meaning the same, testing grammar and paraphrasing skills.

  • Multiple Matching: A longer text or several short texts with a set of statements or questions to match specific information, opinions, or attitudes to the appropriate section or text.



What are the word count requirements for Writing Part 2?

280–320 words.


Will you have time to transfer your answers to an answer sheet in the Listening test?

    • Yes, you will have 5 minutes at the end to transfer answers.

How many total points can you get on the CPE exam?
