Give an example of the signs a youth may show when they are in Tension Reduction?
apologizing to staff
able to be rational about the plans for the rest of the day
showing less aggressive behavior
able to articulate need
Demonstrate a CPI Supportive Stance
Give an example of Limit setting
Staff should be supportive when youth is in anxiety.
This is the stage where the individual is verbally and non-verbally threatening staff
Which approach is empathetic and non-judgmental to staff trying to reduce anxiety in their youth.
Pacing back and forth, tapping, shaking leg, making noises, these are examples of?
If the youth challenge your authority by saying " I'm not listening to you, you are not my momma", you should say " I wouldn't want to be your momma!"
There is a new staff member who's doing a group home observation and the youth who is typically the leader starts acting out by saying things like " I'm never going to leave here, I'm tired of meeting new staff"
Which approach is staff taking control of a situation and set limits to avoid the situation from further escalation.
Crying, Apologizing and becomes compliant, these are examples of
Tension Reduction
Kinesics refers to body language and motion.
What intervention should you use when a youth is in the Refusal stage?
ex. non-compliance, slight loss of rationalization
Set limits
Which approach is a safe non-harmful control technique designed to help the youth regain control. Used as a last resort.
Non-violent Physical Crisis Intervention
Physical aggression, self-harming behaviors, destroying property are examples of
Acting out person
We do not process with youth while in a physical intervention or seclusion
What are two types of questioning, explain the difference?
Challenging Questions - Irrational questions where the youth is being evasive and challenges authority
Information Seeking Questions - questions that are rational
Which approach Re-establishes communication and re-builds relationship with youth.
Therapeutic Rapport
confrontational attitude, aggressive outburst, challenging authority
It is important to give the youth consequences after they reach Tension Reduction.