What does WIP stand for?
"Work in Progress"
What is the primary focus of flow in kanban?
keeping work moving smoothly through the system
Do we use the term velocity or throughput in kanban
What is the ceremony where we break down the epics into stories and talk about priorities
Product Refinement
Which statement is correct in Kanban:
A) Engineers are assigned stories by PO
B) Engineers assign stories to themselves
True or False: Kanban is a push system
FALSE! Kanban is a pull system.
Visualize workflow: Name the main statuses of the kanban board.
To Do, In Progress, Completed
a metric that measures how much work is completed and delivered over a set period of time
What is the ceremony where the team creates transparency regarding what everyone is working on, identify potential roadblocks, and facilitate necessary collaboration
Daily Stand up
What are the bare minimum fields required for story to be marked defined
Description, Clear Acceptance Criteria, story points estimate
What are the three main components of kanban board?
"To Do," "In Progress," and "Done"
In Kanban, these guidelines ensure everyone understands how work flows through the system and what is expected at each stage.
Process Policies
When is the cycle time ticker starts in kanban
When the task is moved to the "In Progress" column
What is the ceremony that Scrum Master must facilitate
Who prioritizes the stories
Product Owner ONLY
What is the meaning of the term "Kanban"?
Kanban means “visual card or board”
In Kanban, this concept limits the number of tasks being worked on at the same time to improve focus and prevent bottlenecks
Work In Progress (WIP)
Teams aim to reduce this metric to speed up their delivery.
Cycle Time
What practice helps team maintain continuous improvement together?
holding regular retrospectives and discussing workflow improvements
what is the term for a task that spends a long time in one stage of the workflow
stale or aging work
What is one kanban practice for fostering continuous improvement?
limiting WIP and focusing on flow efficiency
How can team members support each other in a kanban system?
by swarming on blaocked tasks or balancing workload when someone is overloaded
A sudden increase in one band of this diagram signals a bottleneck.
A) Cycle Time Bar
B) Throughput Graph
C) Control Chart
D) Cumulative Flow Chart
D) Cumulative Flow Chart
What is the output of the product refinement
New stories that meet definition of ready
You start working on your first story, and then switch to another story of higher priority, which column should the original story reside in?
The story is moved to "Blocked" column