Grab Bag

The positioning of the child's airway when giving 2 rescue breaths. 

What is Slightly past the neutral position. 


When checking a child that is in need of medical assistance, the responder should start at __ moving slowly to ___. 

What is Toe moving slowly to Head. 


When performing CPR on an adult, the depth of each compression should be this deep. 

What is At least 2 inches.

The three steps you should follow when responding to medical situation. 

What is Check, Call, Care


Unusual sounds, odors, sights, behaviors. 

What are signs of an emergency. 


The depth of each chest compression when performing CPR

What is 2 inches. 

The positioning of a child when performing 5 back blows and 5 chest compressions is...

What is face down on your arm on your arm or knee, slightly elevated downwards for back blow; and flipped onto the opposite arm face up for chest compressions. 


When giving CPR the adults head and nose should be positioned this way.

What is the head is fully tilted back and the nose is pinched tightly. 


Amount of back blows and abdominal thrusts used when responding to a choking person. 

What is 5.


When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. 

What is a Heart Attack.


The number of chest compressions and rescue breaths on a child while performing CPR. 

What is 30 chest compressions and two back blows. 

The position of your mouth on an infant when performing the two rescue breaths. 

What is Over both the mouth and nose.


Extending the person's arm above the head, Rolling the person on their side facing the responder, and bending both of the person's knees to stabilize the body are all a part of the...

What is Recovery Positioning.


The alternative form of abdominal thrusts for those who are pregnant, in a wheelchair, etc. 

What is Chest Thrusts.


A network of professionals linked together to provide the best care for people in all types of emergencies. 

What is the emergency medical services (EMS) system. 

If a child is choking but is coughing, you should __

What is Encourage the child to continue coughing?


The amount of chest compression and rescue breaths for an infant.

What is 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths. 


Occurs when the heart stops beating or beats top ineffectively to circulate blood to the bran and other vital organs. 

What is Cardiac Arrest.


If the person that is choking becomes unresponsive, the responder's course of action should be to...

What is lower the person onto a flat, hard surface and begin CPR.


Law protecting responders from financial liability. These laws were made to encourage people to help others in an emergency situation. This law may not protect the responder if they give treatment to a lay person who did not give consent, or gave treatment in a negligent or reckless manor. 

What is The Good Samaritan Law.


The hand placement for performing CPR on a child. 

What is One hand on the chest with the other on the child's forehead.


Prevention, Early CPR, Activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system, Early Advanced Life Support, and Integrated post-cardiac arrest care are all part of... 

What is The Pediatric Cardiac Chain of Survival.


Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system; Early CPR; Early defibrillation; Early advanced life support; integrated post-cardiac arrest

What is the Adult Cardiac Chain of Survival


While performing CPR on a choking person, the responder should do this after giving 30 compressions but before giving 2 rescue breaths. 

What is A Finger Sweep.

Amount time needed for each rescue breath given. 

What is One Second.