Cardiac Emergencies
Before giving care
Checking an Injured or Ill person
Differences between infant, child, and adult
How do you perform the Heimlich Maneuver on someone who is too large for you to put your arms around them?

Give chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts


What is the difference between cardiac arrest and a heart attack?

Cardiac arrest: Heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs. 

Heart Attack: Occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked


What are the four basic steps in First Aid?

1. Recognize na emergency exists

2. Decide to take action

3. Activate EMS system

4. Give care until EMS take over


What does SAMPLE stand for?

S = signs and symptoms

A = Allergies

M = Medications

P = Pertinent medical history

L = Last food or drink

E = Events leading up to incident


What is the difference between adult and infant first aid for choking?

Adult: Back blows, abdominal thrusts

Infant: Back Blows, Chest thrusts


What do you do if a person who is choking becomes unresponsive?

Begin CPR starting with chest compressions. 

After each set of chest compressions and before

attempting rescue breaths, open the person’s mouth and look for the object. If you see an object in the

person’s mouth, remove it using your finger


What are agonal breaths?

In an unresponsive person, isolated or infrequent gasping in the absence of normal breathing


4 Signs of an emergency


1. Sounds

2. Odors

3. Sights

4. Behaviors

Why do we use the recovery position?

The recovery position helps to lower the person’s risk for choking and aspiration (the inhalation of foreign matter, such as saliva or vomit, into the lungs).


What is the difference between the pediatric and adult cardiac chain of survival?

Adult: Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system, Early CPR, Early defibrilation, Early advance life support, Integrated post–cardiac arrest care.

Child: Prevention, Early CPR, Activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system, Early advanced life support,  Integrated post–cardiac arrest care


What do you do if you're alone and choking?

1. Call 9-1-1

2. Give yourself abdominal thrusts or press your abdomen over a firm object


What does CPR stand for?

cardiopulmonary resuscitation


5 steps in obtaining consent

1. State your name

2. State your level of training

3. Explain what you think is wrong

4. Explain what you plan to do

5. Ask if you may help

How long should you check for responsiveness in a person who appears to be unresponsive?

5-10 seconds

What is the difference between using an AED on an adult and person under 8 years old?

Adult: Place AED pad on the upper right side of chest and lower left side of chest

Infant: Place one pad on the front and one on the back


What are the two movements you must do to a choking person when giving first aid?

1. Back blows

2. Abdominal thrusts


What are two abnormal heart rythms?

1. Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib)

2. Ventricular tachycardia (V-tach)


What are the 3 Cs?

CHECK the scene and person

CALL 9-1-1 or the designated emergency phone number

CARE for the person



You don't have to ask for consent from the parent when giving first aid to a child




You should ask for the parent's consent of anyone you are administering first aid to, regardless of age. 


You only have to ask for the parent's consent when the person you are giving first aid to is a minor (under 18)


What do you do if a pregnant person is choking?

Give chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts


What does an AED do?

Disrupts the heart’s electrical activity long enough to allow the heart to spontaneously develop an effective rhythm on its own.


To what extent do Good Samaritan laws protect you?

Good Samaritan laws usually protect responders who act the way a "reasonable and prudent person" would act in that same situation. 



When checking an elderly or disabled person, it is important to shout as loud as you can that way they can understand you


If they cannot understand you, speak slower and in shorter, simpler sentences. 


How far down should you press on an infant, child, and adult during CPR?

Infant: About 1 1/2 inches

Child: About 2 inches

Adult: At least 2 inches