weird sounds, weird smells, weird silence.
What are signs of an emergency.
Your first responsibility at any scene
What is Personal Safety.
what is a heart attack?
occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.
nuts, seeds, hot dogs, sausages, chunks of meat or cheese, chunks of fruit, popcorn, peanut butter.
What foods are choking hazards?
Trouble breathing.
Q Pain, such as chest pain, abdominal pain or a headache.
Q Changes in level of consciousness, such as being confused
or unaware of one’s surroundings, or becoming unresponsive.
Q Light-headedness or dizziness.
Q Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach cramps.
Q A fever.
What are the signs of Sudden Illness
check ,call ,care
What are the three c's?
how should you approach a injured child
ask for consent then lower yourself to their level and talk to them.
chest pain,radiating pain, dizziness, loss of conscience, sweating, nausea.
What are heart attack symptoms for men?
house hold choking hazards
coins, buttons, batteries, magnets, marbles
call 911
if your initial check shows any signs of life-threatening conditions what's the first thing you do?
A small, portable computerized device that allows a minimally trained bystander to provide defibrillation much faster than EMS.
What is an AED?
what is good Samaritan law?
Good Samaritan law protects people who help others in emergencies from being sued for unintentional injuries. The law encourages people to intervene without worrying about potential lawsuits.
Shortness of breath,Nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,Fatigue,Dizziness,Sweating,Back or jaw pain
What are symptoms for a women having a heart attack?
what are back blows
To give back blows, position
yourself to the side and slightly behind the
person. For a child, you may need to kneel. Place
one arm diagonally across the person’s chest (to
provide support) and bend the person forward at
the waist so that the person’s upper body is as
close to parallel to the ground as possible. Firmly
strike the person between the shoulder blades
with the heel of your other hand. Each back blow
should be separate from the others.
one will become very scared, shortness of breathe, sounds of wheezing and gargling.
what are Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Distress?
ask for consent.
What is the first thing you do before giving care to a child?
what do you assume if the person is not responsive in any way?
cardiac arrest.
A law enacted to legally protect trained providers who voluntarily stop to help, act prudently, do not provide care beyond training, and are not completely careless in delivering emergency care.
What is Good Samaritan law.
thrusts. To give abdominal thrusts,
stand behind the person, with one foot in front
of the other for balance and stability. If possible,
place your front foot between the person’s feet.
Wrap your arms around the person’s waist.
Alternatively, if the person is a child, you can kneel
behind the child, wrapping your arms around the
child’s waist. Find the person’s navel by placing
one finger on the person’s navel, and the adjacent
finger above the first. Make a fist with your other
hand and place the thumb side just above your
fingers. Cover your fist with your other hand and
give quick, inward and upward thrusts into the
person’s abdomen. Each abdominal thrust should
be separate from the others.
What is Abdominal thrusts.
Many people have asthma, a chronic illness in
which certain substances or conditions, called
triggers, cause inflammation and narrowing of
the airways, making breathing difficult.
what is asthma?
no there is a law that prevents it.
can you get sued for helping someone who ended up dying?
what do you check for when checking a responsive person?
signs of injury of illness
call 911 and get a AED kit and first aid kit.
What is the first thing you do when someone is having cardiac arrest?
pinch the persons nose and tilt their head back.
What do you need to do in order for air to reach the lungs while giving mouth to mouth?
Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs)
Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs)
Small-Volume Nebulizers
what are the types of inhalers?