What is your role in the EMS system?
1. Recognizing that an emergency exists
2. Deciding to take action
3. Activating the EMS system
4. Giving care until EMS personal take over
What do you use to gather more information
SAMPLE method
What is abandonment?
Leaving a patient after care has been initiated and before the patient has been transferred to someone with equal or greater medical training.
What are back blows?
Blows between the shoulder blades from behind the person choking
What is asthma?
A chronic illness in which certain substances called triggers cause inflammation
What are some sings of an emergency?
Unusual sounds, Unusual odors, Unusual sights, Unusual behaviors
What do you do if the person you need to help speaks a different language?
Use hand gestures to communicate
What is a heart attack?
A heart attack occurs when blood flow is blocked as it tries to get to the heart.
If you see the object in someone's throat while they are choking what can you do to try and remove it?
Perform a finger sweep
What is anaphylaxis?
A severe, life-threatening allergic reaction
What is the Good Samaritan Law?
Protects responders who act the way a reasonable and prudent person would act if that person were in the same situation.
What to do if the person is responsive?
You want to perform care and call 911, asking for a first aid kit and AED kit
What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?
Dizziness, sweating, Nausea, paleness, unresponsiveness, extreme fatigue
If a child cannot talk but is coughing than what do you tell them to keep doing?
What is an illness that strikes suddenly and only lasts for a short period of time?
An acute illness
How to obtain consent to help
1. State your name
2. State the type and level of training that you have
3. Explain what you think is wrong
4. Explain what you plan to do
5. Ask if you may help
What to do if a person is unresponsive?
Assume cardiac arrest and send someone to call 911, ask for first aid and AED kit.
How can you make a person feel comforted?
Give constant reassurance
What ages are children a caution to choking on small objects?
Up to four years old
What is an illness that a person lives with on an ongoing basis?
A chronic illness
What are the emergency action steps
Check: check if the scene is safe
Call: call 911
Care: care for the person
What to do if you detect signs or symptoms of illness or injury?
Determine whether to call 911 or designated emergency number and put them in a resting position.
When does cardiac arrest occur?
When the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood
What are signs that someone is choking?
Grabbing throat, acting confused or startled
What is hyperventilation?
Breathing that is faster and shallower than normal