Vocabulary/ Acronyms
Medical/ Child/ Infant

What does EMS stand for and what this do?

Emergency medical services: A network of professionals linked together to provide the best care for people in all types of emergencies. 


What is first aid?

The immediate care that you can give someone with an illness or injury before someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over.


What to do if an adult is breathing but not fully awake?

Send someone to call 911, gather a AED and first aid kit then access the situation for there.

How to administer CPR to an Infant?

Two fingers on center of chest, just below the nipple line. Compress about 11⁄2 inches


What is expressed consent

verbal/ written consent


What is an EMT and the task they perform?

Emergency Medical Technicians: Qualified personal who provide basic life support at the scene of an emergency. 


What is the aim of First Aid?

• Save Lives
• Prevent a patient's condition from worsening
• Alleviate or minimize suffering until proffesional medical care becomes available


What to do when an individual is unresponsive?

Assume cardiac arrest and send someone to call 911 and to get an AED and first aid kit. Make sure the person is lying face-up on a firm,flat surface, such as the ground or floor. Immediately begin CPR.


Where should an Infants head be tilted during CPR?

Tilt head to neutral position; form seal over mouth and nose.


What is implied consent?

A legal concept referring to the assumption that an unresponsive person would give permission to be helped if responsive.


What is an AED and what does it stand for? 

Automated external defibrillator: A small, portable computerized device that allows a minimally trained bystander to provide defibrillation much faster than EMS.


What is the First aid provider responsibility?

Take charge of an emergency situation through definitive command and confident action


Adult recovery position?

Extend the person’s arm that is closest to you above the person’s head. Roll the person toward yourself onto his or her side, so that the person’s head rests on his or her extended arm. Bend both of the person’s knees to stabilize the body.


How to administer CPR to an child?

Two hands in center of chest, compress about 2 inches.


What is DNR order

Do Not Resuscitate Order; a medical order that requires health care providers to not perform CPR on patients


What does PPE stand for and usage?

Personal Protective equipment: To minimize exposure to a variety of hazards.


What accessing an emergency what should one do?



How to administer CPR to an adult? 

1. Survey the scene. 2. Shake and Shout. 3. Call 911/ Locate AED Machine. 4. Bare the chest. Locate hand position at the nipple line center of the chest. 5. 30 chest compressions in less than 23 seconds, depth of 2in. Allow chest to recoil. 6. 2 breaths 1 second each, allow the chest to rise and fall. 7. Repeat steps 5-6.


Where should the child's head be titled during CPR?

Tilt head to slightly past-neutral position; pinch nose shut and form seal over mouth.


What is Good Samaritan law?

A law enacted to legally protect trained providers who voluntarily stop to help, act prudently, do not provide care beyond training, and are not completely careless in delivering emergency care.


What does SAMPLE stand for?

S: Signs and Symptoms 

A: Allergies

M: Medications

P: Pertinent medical history

L: Last food or drink

E: Events Leading up to the incident


In any medical situation regardless of severity what should one always do?

Call 911


How to access an adult of a heart attack?

Chest pain, which can range from mild to unbearable. The person may complain of pressure, squeezing, tightness, aching or heaviness in the chest. The pain or discomfort is persistent, lasting longer than 3 to 5 minutes, or going away and then coming back.

How to give an child in cardiac arrest, AED properly?

Use child pads if present on the scene, if not all individuals under 8 can use adult AED pads. On an infant you may need to place one pad on the chest and one pad on the back. MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION BY THE AED.


What is HIPAA mean?

A federal law protecting the privacy of the patients specific health care information and providing the patient with control over how this information is used and distributed