Check, Call, Care
What is the order you should follow to perform first aid?
Give chest thrusts, instead of abdominal thrusts
What should you do if someone is too large to put your arms around?
30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths
What is the pattern you should follow if you give CPR?
Is a cardiac arrest the same things as a heart attack?
1-3 years old
How many years old refers to a toddler?
Unusual sounds, behavior, odor, and sights
What are some signs of an emergency?
5 back blows and 5 abdominal/chest thrusts
At least 2 inches
How deep should your chest compressions be when giving CPR to an adult?
It describes 5 actions that, when performed in rapid succession, increase the person's likelihood of surviving cardiac arrest
What is the Cardiac Chain of Survival?
Do your best to communicate non verbally with facial expressions/hand gestures, find out if any bystanders speak their language, tell the 911 dispatcher
What should you do if the injured person speaks a different language?
Laws that protect responders who act the way a "reasonable and prudent" person would act if they were in the same situation
What are Good Samaritan laws?
Place it diagonally across their chest
Tap their feet
How should you check for responsiveness on an infant?
It occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked
How does a heart attack come about?
Signs and symptoms, Allergies, Medications
What do the first three letters in SAMPLE mean?
When a minor needs emergency medical assistance and their guardian is not present.
When a person is unresponsive, confused, or mentally impaired and not able to grant consent.
When does implied consent apply?
Between the shoulder blades
Where should you strike an adult or child when giving back blows?
About 1 second
How long should your rescue breaths last for?
It occurs when the heart stops breathing or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs
How does a cardiac arrest come about?
On their side
Face-down along your forearm supporting the infants head and neck while keeping the mouth and nose clear
How can you place an infant into recovery position?
Pathogens that are expelled into the air when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes
What are airborne pathogens?
Heel of your hand
Slightly past-neutral position using the head-tilt/chin-lift technique
Aspirin because it could help prevent the blood clotting, especially when given soon after seeing signs of a heart attack
What is one medicine you could give to someone experiencing symptoms of a heart attack?
No more than 5-10 seconds
How long should you check for someone's responsiveness?