Used when a person is in cardiac arrest to keep oxygenated blood moving to the brain and other vital organs.

What is CPR?


Gasping in the absence of normal breathing.

What are Agonal Breaths?


Heart stops beating or beats to ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.

What is Cardiac Arrest?


Continuous chest compressions with no breaths.

What is compression only CPR?


When cardiac arrest happens without any warning signs or symptoms.

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest?


What should you do first if you are alone and find an unconscious adult victim with no obvious pulse?

A. Administer and AED.

B. Call 911.

What is "B" Call 9-1-1?


If someone suffers cardiac arrest how long should you take before starting CPR?

A. 20 seconds.

B. 10 seconds.

What is "B" 10 seconds?


After CPR, in the event of a cardiac arrest and your patient starts breathing, what is the best recovery position to put them in to maintain a clear airway?

A. In a lateral position with head dependent on something and no pressure on chest.

B. In a lateral position head dependent on something with pressure on chest.

What is "A" In a lateral position with head dependent on something and no pressure on chest.


When performing CPR on a child, interruptions to chest compressions should be limited to? 

A. Less than 10 seconds.

B. Less than 15 seconds.

What is "A" Less than 10 seconds?


According to the American heart association guidelines what is the recommended chest compression rate during cardiac arrest management?

What is 100 to 120 compressions per minute?


You try to give an unresponsive adult a rescue breath and the chest does not appear to rise when you give the first breath. What would you do next?

A. Perform abdominal thrust.

B. The head-tilt/Chin-lift maneuver and attempt breath again.

What is "B" The head-tilt/Chin-lift maneuver and attempt breath again.


Chest compressions on an infant are delivered with the?

What are the fingers (thumbs)?


Used to open the person's airway to give rescue breaths.

What is Head-tilt/Chin-lift maneuver?


The first step when operating the AED?

What is turn it on?


What do you do right before pressing the "Shock" button on the AED?

What is yell "Clear"?


Correct hand placement and body position. Chest Compressions at the correct rate. Compressing the chest to the correct depth. Allowing the chest to return to its normal position between compressions. Minimizing necessary interruptions to less than 10 seconds. Avoiding excessive breaths, each breath should last about one second and cause the chest to begin to rise.

What is High-Quality CPR?


What is the appropriate duration when giving rescue breaths?

What is a rescue breath every second (should make the chest start to rise)?


What should you do after attaching the AED pads on the victim's chest?

What is "Clear" - and allow the device to analyze the casualty's heart rhythm?


Why is it necessary for the rescuer to allow the persons chest to return to normal level between each compression?

What is "To allow the heart to refill with blood"?


True or False: It is safe to use an AED in rain?

What is True?


True or False: You need to remove the persons jewelry and/or body piercings before using an AED?

What is False? (but try to avoid placing pads directly over them if possible)


2 to 2.4 inches.

What is the recommendation for CPR compression depth in an adult patient?


You are performing CPR on a child. Another rescuer appears on the scene. What do you do next?

A. Ask the second rescuer to help with CPR to minimize fatigue.

B. Ask the second rescuer to give rescue breaths at a ratio of 30 to 2.

What is "A" Ask the second rescuer to help with CPR to minimize fatigue?


When performed in rapid succession it increases the person's likelihood of surviving cardiac arrest and recovering.

What is Cardiac Chain of Survival?


You are walking along and see an unconscious child. The child is in cardiac arrest. What is the first thing you should do if you did not witness the collapse?

A. Perform 2 minutes of CPR.

B. Call 911.

What is "A" Perform 2 minutes of CPR?