Child and Infant CPR/AED
Adult/Child/Infant CPR
Adult Choking
Child and Infant choking

The AED will tell you what to do step by step.... True or False



If you find an unresponsive baby or child and no one is around to help you and you don't have a phone, should you call 911 or do 5 rounds or compressions and breaths and then call 911?

5 rounds of compressions and breaths and then call 911 for help.


What is the proper ratio of compressions to breaths when doing CPR for adults, children, and infants?

30 compressions to 2 breaths


Show me the universal sign for a choking adult.

Holding the neck with one or both hands


Should you ever stick your finger into someone's mouth to search for an object without being able to see it first?



Should you deliver a shock from an AED to a person who is laying in a large puddle of water?



Who can you use one hand on when giving compressions?  What about two fingers?

1. Child

2. Infant


What is the most common injury associated with CPR and do we need to worry about it?

Broke Ribs and NO.


Does someone that is able to cough with sound need abdominal thrusts?

NO not unless the sound stops or they become unresponsive


How many back slaps and how many chest thrusts do we give to an infant 

5 of each 


When going to call 911, if there is no one around to call and you don't have a phone what do you do? 

Leave and get an AED and call 911 first then start CPR


Who is considered a child and who is considered an infant?

Child - 1 year old to 8 year old or puberty

Infant - 1 year or younger


When giving rescue breaths to an adult, child, or infant how do you know they are successful?

Chest rise and fall.


How long should you give an adult abdominal thrusts for?

Until the object comes out or the person becomes unresponsive


What do you do next when an infant becomes unresponsive despite back blows and chest thrust 

Check for object in mouth and begin CPR if needed. Check for object after each set of compressions.


When do you stop CPR?

When the person becomes responsive, help arrives, or you are too exhausted to continue on.


Can you use the adult pads in the AED if there are no child pads or key present?

Yes, Use adult pads in the absence of child pad or key. Makes sure pads do not touch. Front and back works best. 


What is the first 3 steps in adult, child, and infant CPR?  (Hint:  the first 3 steps are the same for all of them!)

Check the Scene, Tap and Shout, Yell for Help


Where should you give thrusts for someone who is vey large or very pregnant?

Chest thrusts 

After someone has received back blows, abdominal or chest thrusts, who should they go see?

A Health Care Provider - Just to be safe


Once you have completed the first 3 steps of cpr for an adult, what are the following 3 steps if no one comes when you yell for help and you have no phone?

1.  Leave and call 911 2. Return and check for breathing 3. Begin CPR and continue until help arrives (30:2)

Are a child and infant more likely to need CPR because of a heart problem or breathing problem?

Breathing problem. Children normally have healthy hearts. 


How deep do you press down when giving CPR to an adult, a child, an infant?

Adult - 2 inches, Child - 2 inches, Infant - 1 1/2 inches

What do you do next if the choking person becomes unresponsive?

Lower to ground. Look for object in mouth. If you can see it grab it. If not and they are not breathing then begin CPR. Look in mouth before giving breaths to see if you can see the object and remove it each time. 

What is one way to know if an infant is choking?

Not breathing, cough with no sound, cannot make sounds.