CPR Steps
What's Up with the Heart?
I Think I'm Choking!
Grab Bag

The 3 C's of emergency care

What are Check-Call-Care?


The first step you must take before administering CPR

What is check the scene for safety, form an initial impression and use PPE.


When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.

What is a heart attack?


The 2 things you do in order to stop an adult from choking...

What is Give 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts


How long should someone check for unresponsiveness

What is no more than 5-10 seconds?


2 most common Pathogens..

What are Airborne and Bloodborne Pathogens?


The second step before administering CPR?

What is check for responsiveness, breathing, life-threatening bleeding or other life-threatening conditions using shout-tap-shout?


Some signs of Heart Attack are... (list 2)

Nausea or vomiting, Dizziness or feeling light headed, Chest pain, Sweating, Discomfort or pain that spreads to one or both arms, the back, the shoulder, the neck, the jaw or the upper part of the stomach, breathing trouble, and extreme fatigue.


Infant choking care is...

5 Back blows with the infant lying face down on your forearm. support the neck. Also 5 chest thrusts


Some household items children are able to choke on?

Marbles, coins, buttons, beads, pebbles, magnets, small "button" batteries


Signs of Emergency

What are Unusual Sights, Unusual Sounds, Unusual Odors, and Unusual Behaviors


The third step before administering CPR?

If the person does not respond and is not breathing or only gasping, call 9-1-1 and get equipment, or tell someone to do so.


When the heart actually stops beating is known as...

What is Cardiac Arrest


Most common choking hazards for children

What are Hot dogs and sausages, and whole grapes


It may be difficult to tell whether a heart attack is occurring in a woman because...

Women have a more extensive list of symptoms that are more common in daily life, like fatigue and nausea


SAM stands for...

What are... Signs and Symptoms, Allergies, Medications?


The victim's position while performing CPR should be...

What is on their back on a firm, flat surface.

Steps in the adult Cardiac Chain of survival

What is recognition of cardiac arrest, early CPR, early defibrillation, early advanced life support, and integrated post–cardiac arrest care?


the position you must be in when performing CPR on a child?

The same as an adult, but you are down on one knee.


When approaching an injured child, you should...

Ask for consent from the parent. Stay calm, as children usually base their emotions off of yours. Get down to the child's level to seem less threatening. Describe to the child what they might expect, so they know that there may be pain involved.


Recovery positions for Adults and Infants are?

Adult: On their side with bent Knees and the arm closest to you above their head.

Infant: Holding them face down along your forearm. Support the head and neck while keeping the mouth and nose clear.


The depth and rate of compressions on an adult should be

What is at least 2 inches deep and 100-120 compressions per minute.


AED patch placement in Adult vs. Child/Infant

Adult: Place one AED pad on the upper right side of the chest and the other on the lower left side of the chest, below the armpit.

Child/Infant: place both AED pads on the front of the chest without them touching, place one on the middle of the chest and the other between the shoulder blades.


Special situations in which the choking procedure may be altered slightly are?

What is If they are Obese, visibly pregnant, in a wheelchair, and alone and choking?


The laws that prevent a person giving life-saving care and causing injury on the victim from financial liability?

What are The Good Samaritan Laws?