Before Giving Care
First Aid
What does the second "C" in the 3 C's stand for?
What is Call or Call 911.

A person is conscious and looks to be choking. They are coughing. What should you do?

What is encourage them to keep coughing.


where should you place the AED pads on an infant?

What is 

Chest and back


Who should you get consent from when providing First Aid to a child?

What is a parent or guardian


You see an unconscious person near the pool. What is your first step?

What is check the scene.


For an unconscious victim, it is what you do after calling 911.

What is provide care


If a woman is pregnant, you should do 5 _______ thrusts.

What is chest


In 2 minutes, you will go through _____ cycles of CPR.

What is 5.


What should u not do for a person in shock?

What is give them water


A person has fallen unconscious in a restaurant. You have checked breathing (no breathing) and given one rescue breath. The breath did not go in, what do you do?

What is re-tilt the head and try again.


When a person is conscious, you should do this to find out what happened.

What is ask SAMPLE questions


If you are alone and choking, you should first do this before attempting to dislodge the object.  (Hint there are 2 things)

What is 

Call EMS/911 and move to a place where you can be noticed.


On an adult, you should compress the chest about ____ inches.

What is 2


What is the Bystander Effect?

What is Thinking someone else will look after the person


You are at the mall and see an elderly person sitting on a bench, she is disorientated and struggling to find her medication.  What can you do to help?

What is 

Assist her in finding and taking her medication.  If she is unable to take it herself, administer the medication.


What do you do if a person does NOT give consent for care

What is

Stay with them, keep encouraging them to let you help, explain that you are trained and the situation is serious

With a small child, a person giving back blows and abdominal thrusts may need to __________ to give proper care.
What is kneel.

As a first aider in the community,  you can stop CPR if any of these things happen.

What is help/EMS arrives, you see signs of life, the scene becomes unsafe and/or you are too exhausted to continue.


When do you call EMS/911

What is the person is

Not easily accessible, unresponsive, or altered mental state.

Not breathing normally

Has a seizure

Has a head neck or spinal injury

Life threatening bleed

Mental health crisis


How can you be prepared to respond to an emergency?

What is 

Have a first aid kit at home/car

Keep CPR and first aid skills up to date

Know emergency phone numbers

Know where the AED's are located 


Fill in the blanks: Recognize that an _________ exists, Decide to __________. Activate the EMS system, Give care until ______________.

What is emergency, act, and help arrives.


For an unconscious choking victim, when do you check the mouth for any items/food?

What is after 30 compressions.


What is the rate of compressions when preforming CPR

What is 

100-120 per minute or 30 every 15-18 seconds


List 4 reasons a person may not want to get involved

(Willingness to act)

What is 

The Bystander Effect

Unpleasant illness or injury

Fear of catching a disease

Fear of doing something wrong


Your college professor goes unconscious during his lecture on the history of elephants. What are all of the steps you would take in order before beginning CPR?

What is check the scene, check the victim, A,B,C's  open airway, look, listen and feel for breathing look for a life threatening bleed call 911, give rescue breaths, begin CPR