Before Giving Care
First Aid

What are the "3 Ps" (aka Goals of First Aid)

What is Preserve Life, Prevent Further Injury, Promote Recovery. 


A camper is conscious and looks to be choking. They are coughing. What should you do?

What is encourage them to keep coughing.

CPR should be performed when there is no ________ and no ____________.
What is breathing and circulation

Treatment for a nose bleed

What is a pinch nose firmly above nostril, tilt head slightly forward, hold for 20 minutes. 


You see an unconscious camper in the washroom. What is your first step?

What is check the scene.

For an unconscious victim, it is what you do after calling 911.
What is look listen and feel for breathing

Conscious chocking camper requires ___ back blows, ___ abdominal thrusts until when?

What is 5 back blows, 5 abdominal thursts and until object comes out or camper goes unconcious.

In 2 minutes, you will go through _____ cycles of CPR.
What is 5.

What does "W.A.R.T.S" stand for?

What Warmth, ABC, Rest & Reassure, Treatment, Semi-Prone/Recovery


A camper has fallen unconscious during snack time. You have checked breathing (not breathing), give 30 compression and given one rescue breaths. They did not go in. What are you dealing with and do you do next?

What is severe obstruction and re-tilt the head and try again.


The position for an unconscious breathing victim

What is the recovery position


The most common cause of an airway obstruction in an uncousious victim

What is the tongue.


On an child, you should compress the chest about ____ inches.

What is 1/3 Chest Diameter or 5 cm (2 inches) 


Define Anaphylaxis and how to treat it?

What is a severe allergy requiring the administration of an Epi-Pen


You are playing tennis and a camper gets hit in the head with another campers tennis racquet and starts bleeding. What do you do?

What is rest, reassure, bandage, ice, incident report, check for potential concussion


The equipment that is needed for protection

What is barrier devices- gloves, pocket mask/face shield, washing hands.

With a small child, a person giving back blows and abdominal thrusts may need to __________ to give proper care.
What is kneel.
Continue CPR until... (give all 3 answers)
What is help/EMS arrives, you see signs of life, and/or you are too exhausted to continue.

What are two things you should not do for a person who is experiencing a seizure?

What is hold them down or put things in their mouth.


A camper starts complaining of muscle pains in their legs after being outside. What do you do?

What is have them rest in a cool area, give camper cool water to drink. Stretch the cramp. 

Fill in the blanks: Recognize that an _________ exists, Decide to __________. Activate the EMS system, Give care until ______________.
What is emergency, act, and help arrives.
For an unconscious choking victim, when do you check the mouth for any items/food?
What is after 30 compressions.

For a child, the compression to breath ratio is

What is it 30:2


Treatment bleed for a Major Bleed

What is Phone EMS, Rest, Direct Pressure, Tourniquet


A camper goes unconscious while playing on the basketball courts. What are all of the steps you would take in order before beginning CPR?

What is check the scene, check the victim (tap and shout), call 911, check breathing, check bleeding and circulation, begin CPR