What is a sign that a person has gone from mild to severe choking?
They cannot make any noise.
What is the flap of cartilage that prevents food/water from entering the windpipe?
Apply direct pressure using a sterile dressing.
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
What is a tool we can use to treat severe bleeding on the limbs/extremities?
A tourniquet.
Describe how to tell the difference between a spider bite and a tick bite.
Spider - Two holes for the fangs
Tick - Bullseye
What are the three main types of blood vessels?
What is their function?
Arteries - Oxygenated blood away from heart
Veins - Deoxygenated blood to the heart
Capillaries - Exchange blood to tissue cellsIf a victim has a spinal injury, how should their airway be opened?
Jaw thrust maneuver, if that doesn't work, head tilt chin lift.
What is the medical term for a lack of oxygen supply?
What is an AED's analytical purpose?
To analyze if the heart has a shockable rhythm.
Respiratory disease mainly caused by viral/bacterial infection, causing the bronchi and bronchial tubes to swell.
Acute bronchitis
Amputation - Loss of a body part
Avulsion - Layers of skin torn off to reveal underlying tissue
Abrasion - Superficial wearing off of the skin
Laceration - Jagged wound, no loss of tissue
What is one situation/type of victim where first aid consent is assumed?
Unconscious, children.
Give a term for a pulse and where to find it on the body.
Carotid - neck
Femoral - groin/inner thigh
Brachial - bicep
What are two acceptable methods for CPR on infants?
Two thumbs or two fingers, usually second and middle finger.
What is a common cause of emphysema?
Heavy smoking and prolonged exposure to air pollutants
What are the two electrical nodes within the heart? What is their purpose?
Sinoatrial node - atria contract, pacemaker
Atrioventricular node - ventricles contract
What two actions should we alternate between when helping a choking victim?
Back blows and abdominal thrusts.
Medical term for a heart attack is...
Myocardial infarction
What law protects individuals who provide first aid from legal liability?
Good Samaritan Law
What are the three stages of heat emergency in order from least serious to most serious?
Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke
Name two parts of the sternum.
(3 total)
Top to bottom
Manubrium, body/gladiolus, xiphoid process
What is the full adult out of hospital chain or survival?
(6 steps)
EMS call, CPR, AED/Defibrillation,
Advanced Resuscitation,
Post-cardiac care, recovery
What are the three types of blood cells?
Leukocytes - White blood cells, fight infection
Erythrocytes - Red blood cells
Thrombocytes - Platelets for clotting
What is the clamp that one rescuer uses to deliver breaths using a BVM?
C-E clamp