What are the three important steps to follow in any emergency (in order)?
Check - Call - Care
What is a cycle of compressions and breaths for adults, children and infants? About how long should the breath last?
- 30 compressions to 2 breaths
- Breaths should last about 1 second
When you give care to an infant who is responsive and choking, what is the correct technique to give chest thrusts?
Two fingers pressing in the center of the chest.
For an adult or child older than 8 years of age or over 55 pounds (25kg), where should the AED pads normally be placed?
The upper right and lower left side of the chest
What medication can you assist a person with when you suspect that a person is experiencing an opioid overdose?
When conducting an interview using SAM, what do the three letters stand for?
Medications/Medical Conditions
What is the appropriate depth when giving compressions to an infant? Adult/child?
Infant: 1 1/2 inches
Adult/Child: 2 inches
What is the appropriate care for an unresponsive choking person?
CPR with slight modification (checking for an object/performing a finger sweep).
Where should pediatric AED pads be placed on an infant?
The middle of the chest and on the back, between the shoulder blades.
What are two ways to tell if bleeding is life-threatening?
How many seconds should you check for responsiveness, breathing, life-threatening bleeding and other life-threatening conditions?
No more than 5 to 10 seconds
When giving breaths to an adult, you should open the airway by tilting the head to which position?
Past Neutral
When giving breaths to an adult, child or infant, it is important to minimize interruptions to chest compressions to the shortest time possible, but definitely less than which of the following?
10 seconds
True or False: It is fine to use adult AED pads on a child or infant if pediatric pads are not available.
If you suspect a person is experiencing heat stroke, what is the preferred thing you should do immediately after calling 911 and getting equipment or telling someone to do so?
Immerse the person up to their neck in cold water.
What are the first signs of an emergency? Name three.
1. Unusual appearances or behaviors
2. Unusual noises
3. Unusual odors
What technique is recommended when giving chest compressions to infants?
Encircling Thumbs Technique
If you are unable or unwilling for any reason to give full CPR (compressions with breaths) to a person in cardiac arrest, after calling 911 and getting equipment, what should you do?
Give continuous chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute.
Part 1. Once you have turned on the AED, you should do next?
Part 2: While the AED is analyzing, it is important to make sure of what?
Part 1: Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.
Part 2: No one including you is touching the person.
A child burned their hand in the lunchroom. How should you care for the burn?
Cool the burn under clean, cool running water for at least 10 minutes, ideally 20 minutes.
Provide three general situations where you should CALL the emergency number or 911.
1. Not breathing.
2. Unresponsive.
3. Life-threatening bleeding.
When giving chest compressions to an adult or child, what are two important aspects of your body position?
Shoulders directly over hands. Lock elbows to keep arms straight.
When giving CPR to a person who is in cardiac arrest due to suspected drowning, it is important to do what prior to starting the CPR cycle.
Give 2 initial breaths.
After giving a shock, you should resume compressions and continue CPR until what occurs? Name three.
1. You notice an obvious sign of life.
2. The AED prompts you to analyze again.
3. EMS personnel arrive and begin their care of the person.
A person is having signs and symptoms of a heart attack. What two things should you do after calling 911 and getting equipment or telling someone to do so?
1. Assist them with administering aspirin.
2. Help the person rest in a comfortable position and loosen any tight clothing.