First Amendment
Freedom of Speech
Public Contracting
Public Integrity

This document is what the First Amendment amends.

What is The United States Constitution?


The First Amendment protects the right of members of the public to attend public meetings and do this thing.

What is give public comment?


The title, opening paragraph, notices, and signature sections of an agreement should contain this information.

What are the party names?


This form is required from "filers" when assuming office, annually thereafter, and upon leaving office.

What is Form 700?


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, although some assistive animals are legally permitted to accompany a patron of a public facility, these types of animals do not receive any protection?

What are emotional support animals?


These are the five freedoms that the First Amendment protects.

What are speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government?


Public comment that criticizes the city, city law or policy, the city council, a city councilmember, or a city employee is treated as this kind of speech.

What is protected speech?


Having this kind of an agreement can help in negotiating with potential contractors, vendors, service providers, etc. 

What is a template agreement?


City employees are not allowed to engage in these types of activities while on duty.

What are political activities?


This person is civilly liable for damages suffered by any person who is bitten by a dog while in a public place or lawfully in a private place, regardless of knowledge or lack of knowledge of viciousness 

Who is the owner? 


This type of forum is created when a public official invites her social media followers to comment on official public agency business.

What is a public forum on social media?


These kinds of words do not receive First Amendment protection.

What are fighting words?


This is required for hiring a contractor/consultant for public projects over $5,000 for general law cities.

What is competitive bidding?


Even messages on this kind of device may be disclosable under a California Public Records Act request.

What is a personal cell phone?


Under SB 946, which decriminalized sidewalk vending, cities may prohibit these kinds of vendors from parks that have an exclusive concessionaire agreement. 

What are stationary vendors? 


This activity is protected "speech" under the First Amendment when conducted in public spaces on government property and/or while interacting with public employees in the course of their duties.

What is filming/video recording?


These are the three kinds of forums for First Amendment Activity.

What are traditional public forum, limited public forum, and non-public forum?


Under a local purchasing ordinance, cities may - without prior competitive bidding - contract with suppliers who have been awarded contracts by the state or other local agencies for the purchase of goods, IT, and services.

What is "piggybacking"?


This Government Code section prohibits an officer, employee or agency from participating in making government contracts in which the official or employee within the agency has a financial interest

What is Government Code section 1090?


This type of service is required for any public swimming pool which charges a direct fee. 

What are lifeguard services? 


These are the kinds of permissible regulations of First Amendment protected activities

What are time, place and manner restrictions?


While city employees are not allowed to engage in these activities while on duty, they are allowed to do it while off duty and while on work breaks.

What are political activities?


This provision of an agreement places a cap on the total amount of liability between the parties of the agreement.

What is limitation of liability?


These types of third party positions are sometimes considered employees when it comes to conflict of interest provisions.

What are consultants?


This case rules that it is cruel and unusual punishment to criminalize camping on public property when the people in question have nowhere else they can legally sleep. 

What is Martin v Boise?