The Recovery Process
Spark up that hope
Core Strength
Dew Wut?
Need to know
Need to know
Need to know

What are the 5 stages of The Recovery Process?

Impact of Illness
Life is Limited
Change is Possible
Commitment to Change
Actions for Change


Fill in the blanks.
Hope is the belief that you have the _____, the ______, and the _______ to engage in the recovery process and to develop your _________ and _______ in life.

Hope is the belief that you have the ABILITY, the OPPORTUNITY, and the SUPPORTS to engage in the recovery process and to develop your MEANING and PURPOSE in life.


Fill in the blanks:
Recovery: The process of gaining _____ over one's life, and the _______ one wants that life to go, on the other side of a psychiatric diagnosis and all of the losses usually associated with that diagnosis.

Recovery: The process of gaining CONTROL over one's life, and the DIRECTION one wants that life to go, on the other side of a psychiatric diagnosis and all of the losses usually associated with that diagnosis.


Effective listening listens for what 3 aspects?

Self-talk (What a person believes about himself and his current situation
Goals (What he believes would make his life better
Barriers (Why he believes he can't have that life


Catch it, Check it, Change it is a method to challenge and reframe what?

Negative thoughts / negative self-talk


What are the dangers of the 5 stages of The Recovery Process?  (One keyword for each danger)

Impact of Illness: IDENTITY
Life is Limited: POSSIBILITIES
Change is Possible: RISK
Commitment to Change: SUPPORT
Actions for Change: RESPONSIBILITY


What are the 5 steps of Igniting The Spark Of Hope?

Able to do (Actions)
Need help with
*use your recovery experience throughout the above 5 steps*


What are the Five Steps to Problem Solving?



What are the 3 steps of The Process of Effective Communication in Situations with Potential Conflict?

OBSERVE AND AFFIRM the other's position, values, and concerns
RELATE the other's position, values, and concerns to your experiences as a consumer.
OFFER a "we" statement that acknowledges the common ground and promotes partnership in creating another way of doing things.

Alternate answer: YOU, ME, WE


What are the 5 key recovery concepts in WRAP?

Personal Responsibility


What is the intervention for the 3rd stage of The Recovery Process: Change is Possible?

Help the person explore the cost and benefits of taking risks.


How can dissatisfaction be used as an avenue for change?

Even if someone cannot tell you what he is interested in or would like to do, he probably knows what he doesn't like or is dissatisfied with.  Dissatisfaction can open a doorway to help a person create the life they want.

Fill in the blanks:

Most often the barriers a person faces and the disabling effects of a diagnosis are
-The _______ and side-effects of medication
-The ________ or negative beliefs that others have about a person with a psychiatric diagnosis
-The _______ or negative beliefs that the person has about him or herself.

Most often the barriers a person faces and the disabling effects of a diagnosis are
-The SYMPTOMS and side-effects of medication
-The STIGMA or negative beliefs that others have about a person with a psychiatric diagnosis
-The SELF-IMAGE or negative beliefs that the person has about him or herself.

What are the two keys to eliciting the relaxation response?

REPETITION of a word, sound, phrase, or muscular activity.
PASSIVE DISREGARD of everyday thoughts that inevitably come to mind and the return to your repetition


What are the three principles of self-determination?



What stage of The Recovery Process is a client if he says he's hopeless about his mental health and feels like giving up?

Life is Limited


Based on these questions that could be asked to a client, this is the step of Igniting the Spark of Hope
-What difficulties might you encounter?
-What would you need some help with?
-What might get in your way of doing this?

4. Need help with


Fill in the blanks
Courage is the _________ to take ________ when one senses a new ________.

Courage is the WILLINGNESS to take ACTION when one senses a new POSSIBILITY.


List 3 of the 6 metabolic effects/benefits of the relaxation response.

Metabolism decreases
Breathing slows down
Heartbeat slows down
Blood pressure decreases
Blood vessels open up
Stress hormones decrease


What are the 6 sections of WRAP?

Wellness Toolbox
Daily maintenance plan
Stressors/triggers and action plan
Early warning signs and action plan
When things are breaking down and action plan Crisis plan
(Post Crisis)


What are the three aspects that contribute to the Disabling Power of Illness?



When people diagnosed with a mental illness begin to work in the mental health system as peer specialists, recovery i accelerated in what 3 ways?

-The Peer Specialist's recovery is strengthened
-Peer Specialists help others recover
-Peer Specialists help the agency and/or system recover.


List 3 of the 25 core values of a Peer Support Specialist

[See list on bookmark]


Fill in the blanks:
The ______ of negative messages is more important in creating a positive self-image than the ______ of positive messages.

The ABSENCE of negative messages is more important in creating a positive self-image than the PRESENCE of positive messages.


These are the 5 questions to ask myself in a situation where my decision/action may cause what?

  1. Why am I questioning my actions in this situation?
  2. Is there an agency policy regarding this situation?
  3. Is this something I need to discuss with my supervisor?
  4. Does this in any way complicate or negatively impact my relationship with this peer?
  5. Out of all the options, why am I choosing this particular option?

Where my decision/action may cause someone harm.