ice cream

T/F>  All valid calls from Discover display as 800-347-0350.



Name a tool you might use in the garden?

spade, hoe, gloves, shovel, rake


Name something you might find in the grocery store dairy aisle

milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, sour cream


Name a popular dessert that kids love

cake, ice cream, cookies, pie, pudding


Name a popular movie genre that teens like

action hero, comic book, horror, sci-fi, thriller, comedy, anime


If the transaction is pending and the cm does not recognize the merchant and the dollar amount, how do you help the cm.

Pending Transactions: Regardless rather pending or posted if the cm does not recognize the transaction transfer to CPS. 


Are you allowed to release the RACF ID to the cm? 



Are you allowed to tell the cm all Discover card accounts start with 6011. 

yes you can 


T/F> When PCM/SCM has been fully verified and is being serviced on multiple accounts.  Last four digits may be used to clarify which account the conversation is regarding.



The cm needs to know what the IP address is for the merchant transaction, how do you handle the situation?

Inform the cm this information can not be released for security reasons 

The cm is needing to know the card sequence number for a brand new Micheal Kors purse, how do you handle the situation?

  Do not release personal information to customers. Always have customer verify personal information, the cm must tell you first, then you can confirm.


The cm needs to know what the expiration date is on the account, how do you handle the call?

Inform the cm that a release of expiration date is a security breach, however we can tell them the numbers are seen as month/year format. NEVER release the numbers 


When are you allowed to release the full phone number on the account?

  • Part of the Legally Required Verbatim Mobile Phone Consent scripting
  • Confirming the phone number when sending cards via the Card Confirmation screen

The cm original inquiry> " I do not recognize the posted charge on the account". After investigation you and the cm find out what the posted charge was and its no longer unrecognizable.

what is the next step on the call?

end the call as normal


T/F> if the account is charged off can you release the full account number to the cm?

yes you can 

When releasing the full phone number on the account who is allowed/ has permission for it to be released. Who can know what the full phone number on the account is?

The FULL phone number can be disclosed to the PCM/SCM/AU


The cm has a balance transfer on the account that has been posted, and received by the creditor. However the cm states the balance transfer is not theirs, how do you handle the situation?

Transfer the call to Customer Protection Services (CPS, also known as Security)


The transaction on file is pending and the cm does not recognize the transaction, what is the transfer navigation? 

 connect to CPS using CRMA { CPS~Fraud Prevention} cold connect


The cm account has a notation for CBO, what does this stand for, and what does it mean for the account?

Credit Bust-out is a division of CPS (Security).  They review accounts and at times, will attempt to reach the customer via emails, phone calls, and/or letters, to notify them that they need to verify some information. Certain actions are no longer available to customers until they respond to CBO.  


This document provides information and handling for when an authorization is declined.   

What is the name of the link?

Declined Authorization Procedures


In order for the third party to know what the balance is on the account to make a payment, what must take place?

the cm must have permissions from the PCM/SCM first. You can check memos or account notes for those permissions


During the lost/stolen process you and the cm are covering the transactions, the cm is stating a few of them are not recognizable. Do you proceed with the lost stolen, or take a different action to help the cm?

take a different action by transferring the cm over to CPS > Transfer to CPS via CTI 


What does decline code 17 mean, and how do we handle?


  • Auth prohibited status on customer's account. 

xfer the account to CPS


This document contains guidelines on:

  • Restricted information and exceptions 
  • Authorized Users (AU) and Third Party callers

What is the name of this link document?

Release of Account Information Procedures


This document explains fraud protection features/handling for all Discover credit card accounts (consumer, Business Card and Corporate Cards

What is the name of this link document?

Customer Protection Services (Security) Procedures