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This 17th century astronomer discovered the 4 largest moons of Jupiter and championed the idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun.  For this and other crimes he was put under house arrest by the Catholic Church for the last 9 years of his life.

Who is Galileo?


For this sport you need sticks, skates, and a hard black rubber disk.

What is ice hockey?


"You either love America or you hate it" is an example of this logical fallacy - since it supposes there are no other possible options.

What is a false dichotomy, or the law of the excluded middle?


Campers at Camp Quest often receive these when they are observed performing a selfless act or going above and beyond.

What is a squishy frog?


Charles Darwin studied different species of this type of bird in the Galapagos islands in the 1830's

What are finches?


This 19th century American woman fought to end slavery and allow women to vote.  

Who is Susan B. Anthony?


For this sport you need: numbered sticks with metallic heads, and riding lawn mowers.

What is golf?


"If we start allowing gay people to get married - next we'll have to let people marry their dogs" is an example of this illogical argument, which may remind you of a muddy hill.

What is a slippery slope?


This invisible massless creature has been known to play positive pranks on CQW SoCal campers from time to time.

Who is Schree?


Most electric lines in your house can handle a maximum current of 15 A: the "A" stands for this unit.

What is an ampere (or an "amp")?


This American actor, starring in Driving Miss Daisy, the Shawshank Redemption, and The Lego Movie, identifies as atheist/agnostic.  Even so, he narrated "The Story of God" (on the National Geographic Channel)

Who is Morgan Freeman?


For this sport you need two goals, a ball you can grip easily, and a swimsuit.

What is water polo?


Captain Kirk's first officer on the Enterprise - he was constantly remarking on the illogical decisions humans made.

Who is Spock?


There is no afternoon Free Time on Wednesday or Thursday. Wednesday afternoon is saved for the Big Game. On Thursday afternoon, we all get to do this!

What are the hikes?


There are only two chemical elements that start with "Z".  One is the major component of pennies, and the other is found in fake diamonds.  Points for either - double points if you know both!

What are zinc and zirconium?


This astronomer and science communicator from Brooklyn, NY, wrote and narrated the original "Cosmos" TV series.  He is famous for his quotation, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

Who is Carl Sagan?


For this spot you need two wickets (each with stumps and bails), a large bat, but no gloves (except for the wicketkeeper)

What is cricket?


Person A: "No _____ puts sugar on his porridge."
Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a _____ and he puts sugar on his porridge."
Person A: "But no true _____ puts sugar on his porridge." 

This goes in the blank - a European nationality.

What is a Scotsman?


Our Thursday evening carnival is named for these people, who supposedly are followers of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

What are pastafarians?


Insulin, vitally important for regulating sugar in the bloodstream, is produced in this human organ that starts with "P".

What is the pancreas?


This politician from the East Bay served in the US House of Representatives for 40 years - he was the first open atheist in congress.

Who is Pete Stark?


For this sport you need: a ball, long mallets, and lots of horses.

What is polo?


These robotic villains from Doctor Who consider illogical actions impossible.

What are Daleks?


This sport involves an inflated ball and is located near the rock climbing wall.

What is gaga ball?


On a field trip, a geologist who wants to collect samples of rock probably carries this tool, which is also useful for mining rocky things in "Minecraft".

What is a pickaxe?