The recommended number of meals to eat in 1 day.
3 examples of animal proteins are....
1. Meat
2. Eggs
3. Dairy products
This stimulant is found in coffee, black tea and energy drinks.
3 symptoms of "early hunger" are...
1. starting to think about food
2. your stomach feels empty
3. difficulty concentrating
Juicing is a healthy way to manage food cravings.
False! Juice triggers hormones that incr food cravings. And "juicing diets" are void of many essential nutrients.
There should be ____ hours between each of your meals during the day.
4-6 hours
3 examples of a plant-based protein are..
1. lentils
2. pumpkin seeds
3. Edamame beans
This type of high-calorie food is most commonly craved after a poor night’s sleep due to the body seeking quick energy.
sugar + refined carbohydrates
3 symptoms of late hunger are...
1. irritability
2. headache
3. dizziness
We should avoid fat in order to decrease food cravings.
False! Fat helps us feel full and decrease food cravings- best to choose healthy fats and limit added fats like margarine, mayo and salad dressings to 2-4 Tbs/ day.
Vegetables should take ___ of your plate at lunch and dinner.
3 protein rich breakfast foods are...
1. eggs
2. peanut butter
3. yogurt
Exposure to ____light before bed (from TV or phones), can disrupt melatonin production and lead to poor sleep.
blue light
This beverage can help reduce food cravings.
Food cravings are a sign of dehydration.
True. Sometimes our body craves food when we are dehydrated.
If eating pasta, it should take up __of your plate.
If you eat chicken, it should take up __ of your plate.
True or False, Exercising during the day will keep you awake at night.
False! exercise helps to improve sleep quality.
3 symptoms of "over-eating" are..
1. Stomach fullness that it is uncomfortable to move around or bend over.
2. Heart burn/ acid reflux and Burping.
3. Feeling lethargic and needing to lie down.
We should skip "carbs" to avoid food cravings?
False! Good carbs like oatmeal, sweet potatoes and whole wheat bread help to keep us full and satisfied after meals.
Contains 2-3 diff. food groups and is about 200-400 calories.
a healthy snack
Name 2 ways that protein rich foods reduce food cravings.
1. decreases hunger hormones
2. takes longer to digest
4 bedtime activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress include...
1. yoga
2. meditation
3. reading
4. mindfullness
3 things that can cause food cravings (unrelated to nutrition/ food).
1. lack of sleep
2. certain medications
3. uncomfortable emotions
Name 3 scenarios where snacking can be healthy?
1. meal is delayed past 6h
2. need to have smaller meals due to symptoms like heart burn
2. increased physically activity (i.e. at least 30mins of vigorous activity/ strength training).