Place Value and Rounding
Multiplication / Division
The value of the digit 7 in 1,723,614
What is 700,000?
This figure has exactly one pair of parallel sides.
What is a trapezoid?
A music store sells 128 CDs each week. How many CDs would they sell in 52 weeks?
What is 6,656?
A pizza is cut into 12 equal slices. Chris ate 3 slices, Jack ate 2 slices, and Leslie ate 1 slice. What part of the pizza is left over?
What is 6/12?
In what place value position is the 2 in the number 48.25?
What is tenths place?
The expandced form of 816,006
What is 800,000 + 10,000 + 6,000 + 6?
This triangle has three acute angles.
What is an acute triangle?
Mrs. Lancaster wants to buy 32 cupcakes for her class. The cupcakes come 6 in each package. How many packages does she need to buy?
What is 6?
Suzy buys 3/8 lb of colby jack cheese and 5/8 lb of cheddar cheese. How many pounds of cheese did Suzy buy?
What is 1 pound?
What is the expanded form of 8.58?
What is 8 + 0.5 + 0.08?
The word name for 60,740
What is sixty thousand, seven hundred fourty?
This is the total measure of the three angles of a triangle.
What is 180 degrees?
Sarah read a 360 page book in 12 days. She read the same number of pages each day. How many pages did she read each day?
What is 30 pages?
What is 9/5 written as a mixed number?
What is 1 4/5?
Place the numbers in order from least to greatest: 6.52, 6.48, 6.4, 6.61
What is 6.4, 6.48, 6.52, 6.61?
The attendance of a conert was 2,587. Round the attendance to the nearest hundred.
What is 2,600?
An acute angle has two given angle: angle a = 56 degrees, angle b = 62 degrees, and angle c = ?. What is the missing angle measure?
What is 62 degrees?
Mr. Harris is planting flowers. There are 24 plants on each tray. Mr. Harris has 54 trays. How many flowers does he have in all?
What is 1,296?
Lisa at 3/12 of the pizza. Jack at 5/12 of the pizza. How much more of the pizza did Jack eat than Lisa?
What is 2/12?
Find the product: 0.65 x 42
What is 27.3?
This year the 4th grade read 4,825 pages from library books. Last year they read 3,578 pages from library books. To the nearest hundred, find the difference in pages read between last year and this year.
What is 1,200?
Ms. Jones taught her class nto make paper models of geometric figures. Each student created a closed figure with four rectangular and two square faces, twelve edges, and eight vertices. Which geometric figure did Ms. Jones' class create? a. trianglar prism b. sqare pyramid c. rectangular prism d. triangular pyramid
What is c. rectangular prism
On Cindy's vacation she drove about 65 miles per hour for 8 hours each day. How far did she drive in 6 days?
What is 3,120?
Sarah and Sandy baked 6 muffins each. Sarah gave Billy 4 muffins and Sandy gave Jack 5 muffins. What fraction of the total amount of muffins did Sarah and Sandy give to their friends?
What is 9/12?
Shannon bought a new book for $24.75. About how much did she spend to the nearest dollar?
What is $25?